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Types Of Reliability

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15 September 2019
Types of Reliblity in psychology testing
Regarded as a science of human behavior and the mind psychology embraces all constitutes of a
conscious and unconscious thought at the same time experience. As an academic discipline and a
science that seeks to understand a set of individuals mental functionality psychology in most
cases depends on the consistency of a research study thus bringing about reliability, the types of
reliability in psychology include;
Test-Retest Reliability
Estimation of this type of reliability s when there is the administration of the same test to the
same samples on different occasions. Under this approach there is no change in the quantity
being measured between the tested occasions hence the time between the measures is considered
to be critical. If the same thing is measured twice then the correlation between the observations
will entirely depend in the time the elapses between the occasions of the two measurements.

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[Student’s Last Name]2
Inter-Rater Reliability
Also referred to as the inter-observer reliability which measures the consistency of the
observations between two observers, estimation of the inter-rater reliability is appropriate in the
case of measuring a continuous observation where there is the calculation of the correlation
between the ratings of the two initial observers.
So how would an individual decide if two eyewitnesses
are being consistent in their perceptions? One presumably
ought to set up between rater unwavering qualities outside
of the setting of the estimation in your investigation. All
things considered, in the event that you utilize information
from your examination to set up unwavering quality, and
you find that dependability is low, you're somewhat stuck. Most likely it's best to do this as a
side report or pilot examine. What's more, if your investigation continues for quite a while, you
might need to restore between rater dependability every once in a while to guarantee that your
raters aren't evolving.
Parallel-Forms Reliability
In this type of reliability one has to first create two parallel forms, where the way to accomplish
this act is by creation of a large set of questions which address a similar construct and the
random division of the set of questions into sets mainly two.
This approach is needs on to generate lots of items which reflect the same construct which is not
easy hence making this assumption that the random divide ae parallel and/or equivalent

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[Student’s Last Name]1 [Student’s Name] [Instructor’s Name] [Course Title] 12 October 2017 Types of Reliblity in psychology testing Introduction Regarded as a science of human behavior and the mind psychology embraces all constitutes of a conscious and unconscious thought at the same time experience. As an academic discipline and a science that seeks to understand a set of individuals mental functionality psychology in most cases depends on the consistency of a research study thus bringing about reliability, the types of reliability in psychology include; Test-Retest Reliability Estimation of this type of reliability s when there is the administration of the same test to the same samples on different occasions. Under this approach there is no change in the quantity being measured between the tested occasions hence the time between the measures is considered to be critical. If the same thing is measured twice then the correlation between the observations will entirely depend in the time the elapses between the occasions of the two measurements. [Student’s Last Name]2 Inter-Rater Reliability Also referred to as the inter-observer reliability which measures the consistency ...
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