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Brandman University
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Special Education Professional Learning Community Model

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A professional learning community is a well-engaged environment where educators can
incorporate better strategies, which help in improving the learning environment through positively
engaging learners. The professional learning community is developed with a key focus on
improving the learning environment through implementation of favorable strategies, which can
help in improving the learning environment. The implementation of a professional learning
community is aimed at improving institution, student and community engagement. In this paper, I
will develop a professional learning community for special education in my district. The focus of
this model will encompass some key measures which the model is seeking to transform and create
a well-engaged environment where it is possible to have a positive environment where it would be
very easy engage the students and ensure that there are positive outcomes (Owen, 2014).
The purpose of special education professional learning community
Special education is a very crucial field, which has been engaged over the years although it is
important to understand that measures that have been put in place have not full addressed the key
issues in engaging students in special education. Special education requires crucial focus and
understanding within a given learning environment to attract learners who can use positive
embrace the strategies that have been put in place targeting a wider student population(Linder,
2012). The fact that this model puts into focus some factors; it will create a favorable environment
where it would be very easy to engage the target population positively. The focus of this model,
therefore, is very specific in its focus. It seeks to capitalize on key factors that were not considered
in the previous strategies in special education that were put in place thus creating a favorable and
attractive environment where it would be very easy to engage various stakeholder with learning
communities within the district.

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Running head: SPECIAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY Special Education Professional Learning Community Model Name Institution Date 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY MODEL 2 A professional learning community is a well-engaged environment where educators can incorporate better strategies, which help in improving the learning environment through positively engaging learners. The professional learning community is developed with a key focus on improving the learning environment through implementation of favorable strategies, which can help in improving the learning environment. The implementation of a professional learning community is aimed at improving institution, student and community engagement. In this paper, I will develop a professional learning community for special education in my district. The focus of this model will encompass some key measures which the model is seeking to transform and create a well-engaged environment where it is possible to have a positive environment where it would be very easy engage the students and ensure that there are positive outcomes (Owen, 2014). The purpose of special education professional learning community Special education is a very crucial field, which has been engaged over the years although it is important to understand that measures that have been put in place have not full addressed the key issues in engaging students in special education. Special education requires crucial focus and understand ...
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