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Mere Christianity
In his book “Mere Christianity, Lewis address key topics such as what it takes to be
called the Son of God, theology, the relationship between time and God. The God works changes
human beings into Christs image, the price of being a Christian, why Christianity growth is both
easy and at the same time challenging among others (Simpson, 33). The topics covered by Lewis
in his book “Mere Christianity; apply to our daily activities of life. “Mere Christianity, is
written by Lewis as a set of Christian belief guidelines.
Analysis of “Mere Christianity”
Lewis does not outline any specific manner to believe as a Christian, but he points out
that the religion topics are indeed the serious topics in the sacred texts (Marsden, 6). He argues
that as one decides on whether to believe or not to believe, one has to be aware of how much this
process requires as well as the provocation the decision of becoming a Christian is. He addresses
Christianity in four various books within his book “Mere Christianity.” In book one, Lewis
explains into detail the Law of Nature as he makes a tendency note in appealing of the human
beings to the absolute truth standards in arguments and quarrels. Lewis refers to this standard as
the Moral Law or the Law of Nature.

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In the third book of the Lewis book "Mere Christianity, Lewis discusses the behavior of
the Christians. Lewis views morality as the fundamentals of the good behavior of a Christian.
Lewis argues that morality is never basically, "something that prevents you from having a good
time, but instead morals should be the "directions for running the human machine. Each rule of
moral is established to ensure that there is minimal wear and tear on the operation manner of the
machine (Marsden, 26). According to Lewis, certain individuals view moral in terms of ideal
rather than obedience and rules. Book Four of the "Mere Christianity, Lewis addresses the
entire universe with respect to the dimensions of God whose home is considered as the Heaven
as well as human beings and the way it takes human beings to come reality with a physical way
of life.
The next topic covered by Lewis in his book “Mere Christianity, is time. Time is a
complex and interesting matter as it has a direct connection to God. According to Lewis, the
minds of human beings think of a time in terms of past, present as well as future. Human beings
make an assumption that this is applicable to God as well as the entire universe. In his book
“Mere Christianity, Lewis notes, “Almost certainly God is not in Time. His life does not consist
of moments following one another.” Lewis is a believer that for God, it is often the present. He
argues that God is not constrained by time as God is always not in time. Lewis then proceeds in
discussing God as the Son and as the Father (Simpson, 13). Lewis asserts that the existence of
the Son as a result of the existence of the Father even though there is no time before that the
Father brought forth the Son. According to Lewis, the term, “God is love” is false unless there is
a Son and a Father since love belongs to another individual. “Love is Godexplains creation of
God of human beings and that human beings do. God is the Trinity both of the Holy Spirit,
Supreme Being, and Christ the Son. Lewis argues that if human beings allow the will of God to

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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date Mere Christianity Introduction In his book “Mere Christianity,” Lewis address key topics such as what it takes to be called the Son of God, theology, the relationship between time and God. The God works changes human beings into Christ’s image, the price of being a Christian, why Christianity growth is both easy and at the same time challenging among others (Simpson, 33). The topics covered by Lewis in his book “Mere Christianity;” apply to our daily activities of life. “Mere Christianity,” is written by Lewis as a set of Christian belief guidelines. Analysis of “Mere Christianity” Lewis does not outline any specific manner to believe as a Christian, but he points out that the religion topics are indeed the serious topics in the sacred texts (Marsden, 6). He argues that as one decides on whether to believe or not to believe, one has to be aware of how much this process requires as well as the provocation the decision of becoming a Christian is. He addresses Christianity in four various books within his book “Mere Christianity.” In book one, Lewis explains into detail the Law of Nature as he makes a tendency note in appealin ...
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