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An Article with a Must to do List
Institutional Affiliation

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The reading explains that many managers and executives have embraced intuition as an
approach that is effective in making important decisions. The reading has also described how
various researchers have supported the use of intuition in making decisions strategically and thus
making it a thing that is really valuable (Miller and Ireland, 2005). The reasons which make
many managers and executives use intuition in making vital decisions is because of the need for
making quick decisions and coping with the demands that are created by the complex market
forces. The reading relates to a situation I have faced in my life experience whereby I made a
decision to refuse to open the door at home from announced visitors who claimed to be sent by a
pizza delivery company. I later found out that they were not delivering pizzas but it was a scam
to carry out the robbery in people's homes. This was after they stole in two of my neighbors who
agreed to open the door for them.
The reading has left me with the question regarding the level of exploration that is
required for firms to sustain competitive advantages in a complex market considering that the
success of organization requires exploration as a critical aspect (Miller and Ireland, 2005). The
reading has also not answered how intuition as hunch can be carefully managed for the
effectiveness of strategic decision making. Further research is required on how intuition as
expertise can help in promoting exploration for the success of organizations. The assumptions of
the authors can be challenged in that limited commitment among those who are affected by the
problem and the decision of high failure is not the only problem that should be confronted
directly to make acting on hunches useful. Improvements need to be made on the research in
order to include more tactics that can be applied make acting on hunches to be more useful. The
deconstructing intuition model can be applied to describe the usage of intuition in making critical
decisions (Miller and Ireland, 2005). In this model, the alternative perspectives are the feelings

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Running head: AN ARTICLE WITH A MUST TO DO LIST An Article with a Must to do List Institutional Affiliation Date 1 AN ARTICLE WITH A MUST TO DO LIST 2 The reading explains that many managers and executives have embraced intuition as an approach that is effective in making important decisions. The reading has also described how various researchers have supported the use of intuition in making decisions strategically and thus making it a thing that is really valuable (Miller and Ireland, 2005). The reasons which make many managers and executives use intuition in making vital decisions is because of the need for making quick decisions and coping with the demands that are created by the complex market forces. The reading relates to a situation I have faced in my life experience whereby I made a decision to refuse to open the door at home from announced visitors who claimed to be sent by a pizza delivery company. I later found out that they were not delivering pizzas but it was a scam to carry out the robbery in people's homes. This was after they stole in two of my neighbors who agreed to open the door for them. The reading has left me with the question regarding the level of ...
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