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Communication Project Proposal

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Running head: PROJECT OUTLINE 1
Project Outline

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Mastering communication concepts can be challenging especially in the workplace
where there are complex issues and different approaches of communicating.
Various factors such as culture, power, age, gender, and concepts determine how an
individual communicates hence affecting established communication structures.
This research will seek to implement important communication concepts which
include; interpersonal communication, emotional intelligence, team work skills,
networking skills, and active listening.
Concepts necessary for communication
Interpersonal communication. This communication concept entails understanding
other people’s emotions, displaying empathy, and detecting one’s message through
their tone (Caltrans, 2007). This skill boosts healthy relationships in the work place
because people understand the unsaid needs of others. This concept can be
implemented through employee training programs which boost employees’ self-
awareness and the needs of others.
Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is useful in managing one’s emotions
as well as the emotions of others. Emotionally intelligent managers boost high job
satisfaction and lower turnover levels. These leaders are likely to develop happier and
productive teams. Emotional intelligence can be implemented in the workplace by
incorporating it in hiring and assessing employees intelligence to determine their
leadership potential.

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Running head: PROJECT OUTLINE 1 Project Outline Name Tutor Institution Course Date PROJECT OUTLINE 2 Introduction • Mastering communication concepts can be challenging especially in the workplace where there are complex issues and different approaches of communicating. • Various factors such as culture, power, age, gender, and concepts determine how an individual communicates hence affecting established communication structures. • This research will seek to implement important communication concepts which include; interpersonal communication, emotional intelligence, team work skills, networking skills, and active listening. Concepts necessary for communication • Interpersonal communication. This communication concept entails understanding other people’s emotions, displaying empathy, and detecting one’s message through their tone (Caltrans, 2007). This skill boosts healthy relationships in the work place because people understand the unsaid needs of others. This concept can be implemented through employee training programs which boost employees’ selfawareness and the needs of others. • Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is useful in managin ...
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