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Thirteen years ago on December 26th, 2004 a massive undersea earthquake struck off the
coast of Indonesia. The magnitude of the quake was the fourth largest ever recorded in recent
times. The earthquake reached a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale(Raziye, “telegraph”). The
undersea earthquake sent a wall of water which rose to 30 meters in height across the Indian
ocean. The damage caused by the tsunami when the water hit land was catastrophic. The water
destroyed everything in its path from buildings, cars, homes, farmlands and left a massive death
toll. This article will look into the damage of the earthquake and countries that were affected by
the Indian Ocean tsunami caused by the earthquake.
The Indian Ocean tsunami affected fourteen countries in total from different continents.
The altered states were Indonesia, South Africa, Malaysia, India, Burma (Myanmar), Somalia,
Sri Lanka, the Maldives Thailand, Bangladesh, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and the
Seychelles(New world encyclopedia). Of all the fourteen countries which were directly affected
by the tsunami, Indonesia was the worst affected.In Indonesia, the tsunami destroyed property
worth $4.40 billion. In total, the tsunami caused damage of $8.71 billion to all the affected
countries(New world encyclopedia). The Indian Ocean tsunami also caused a significant loss of
human life. According to statics, it is anticipated that the tsunami caused the death of around
186,983 people in total(Chris “the guardian”). The tsunami also caused 229,866 people to be
displace from their homes.

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Running head: INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI Student Name Instructor’s Name Course Date 1 INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI 2 Thirteen years ago on December 26th, 2004 a massive undersea earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia. The magnitude of the quake was the fourth largest ever recorded in recent times. The earthquake reached a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale(Raziye, “telegraph”). The undersea earthquake sent a wall of water which rose to 30 meters in height across the Indian ocean. The damage caused by the tsunami when the water hit land was catastrophic. The water destroyed everything in its path from buildings, cars, homes, farmlands and left a massive death toll. This article will look into the damage of the earthquake and countries that were affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami caused by the earthquake. The Indian Ocean tsunami affected fourteen countries in total from different continents. The altered states were Indonesia, South Africa, Malaysia, India, Burma (Myanmar), Somalia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives Thailand, Bangladesh, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and the Seychelles(New world encyclopedia). Of all the fourteen countries which were directly affected by the tsunami, In ...
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