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Case study

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Case study
Buffalo Wild Wings violated the federal law when it failed to hire a male but qualified
bartender because the need was for female bartenders. According to the U.S Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, this was going against the law since the male had the qualifications
required to perform the job. According to the EEOC, denying the male bartender could still have
performed the role without facing any challenge (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 2017). However, this was the act of sex discrimination which violates the Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Therefore, according to the EEOC, the company had done
against the law, and there was the need to take action since equal employment should happen to
all employees regardless of their gender. Federal law protects all applicants in a job position
whether males or females.
Selection criteria and methods
The key selection criteria applied by organizations include qualifications, skills and
experience. The requirements require the applicants to have academic knowledge which will
make it possible for them to handle the job position. On the other hand, the qualifications make it
possible for employers to recognize the potential abilities of the employees based on the
academic performance. The skills of an applicant originate from their experience, and this may
take time before they have an opportunity to utilize them (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 2017). On the other hand, experience shows how well an applicant has handled
similar positions in the past and the success achieved. In the case, the applicant had the

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Running Head: CASE STUDY 1 Case study Name Professor Institution Course Date CASE STUDY 2 Case study Description Buffalo Wild Wings violated the federal law when it failed to hire a male but qualified bartender because the need was for female bartenders. According to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, this was going against the law since the male had the qualifications required to perform the job. According to the EEOC, denying the male bartender could still have performed the role without facing any challenge (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2017). However, this was the act of sex discrimination which violates the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Therefore, according to the EEOC, the company had done against the law, and there was the need to take action since equal employment should happen to all employees regardless of their gender. Federal law protects all applicants in a job position whether males or females. Selection criteria and methods The key selection criteria applied by organizations include qualifications, skills and experience. The requirements require the applicants to have academic knowledge which will make it possible for ...
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