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Hcs 325

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#1 Explain why motivation is important. 100-150 words
A motivated worker will always have a high self-drive to work towards achieving the goals of
the institution willingly. Motivation and job satisfaction are cross-linked. Therefore, the job
worker's turnover is lower in an organization that motivates its workers thus reducing the cost of
recruiting, orienting and training a new batch of employees. In the healthcare, there is a shortage
of workers in most countries, therefore retain workers in the healthcare is an important step
(Elliot et al.,2017). A system with satisfied and motivated workers experiences a highly
integrated and organized running of tasks for the best outcomes. The motivation of healthcare
providers will ensure that the patient outcome is favorable thereby reducing the financial burden
of the individuals and the whole nation.
# 2 Differentiate between the different theories of motivation. 100-150 words
There are two theories of motivation, the Maslow's theory, and the Herzberg’s theory. The
Maslow’s theory concentrates on satisfying the hierarchical human needs as key to motivation.
The approach is descriptive with the basis being the satisfaction of needs in a sequence of the
lowest needs to the highest needs in a hierarchy. The unsatisfied needs are the stimulator
motivators. On the other hand, the Herzberg theory depends on specific variables in the place of
work that lead to either dissatisfaction or satisfaction. It is a prescriptive and simple theory that
depend on recognition and reward to motivate workers (Elliot et al.,2017). The approach has no
specific sequence, and the satisfied needs are the stimulator for achievements. However only
needs in the higher order act as the motivators.

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# 3 Compare and contrast extrinsic and intrinsic factors of motivation. 100-150 words
Intrinsic motivational factors are internal variables that drive an individual towards satisfying
their personal goals and achieve success. Although an external reward may increase the
motivation, most of the time the motivation will exist even without rewards. On the other hand,
extrinsic motivational factors come from the surrounding workplace pressures and benefits
(Gerhart & Fang,2015). An employee may work extra hard becomes the organization has
promised some benefits. The two types of motivation can be synergistic in some situations. For
example, giving an external reward to encourage innovation and development of ideas. Despite
the differences, both are important towards the success of the institution. A successful firm has
passionate employees who have personal career goals but work best when there are satisfied by
the working conditions.
# 4 Analyze issues relating to motivating and managing across generations 100-150 words
Due to the delayed retirement of workers, there is a lot of generational differences in the
workplace. Generational tension is a common problem, with the older generation feeling there
are being over bossed by the younger more experienced generation. On the other hand, the
younger generation feels like they are unable to manage the older generation. Furthermore, when
it comes to motivational factors, they vary across generations, with the younger generation
gaining more motivation from materialistic rewards (Elliot et al.,2017). A manager will have
challenges trying to reconcile generations, but the main issue will be bringing workers of all ages
to respect each other. Every person has a special set of skills and encouraging cooperation and
the contribution to the well-being of the institution will be fair to each worker. The workers
should work as partners in achieving a common goal despite the differences.

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#1 Explain why motivation is important. 100-150 words A motivated worker will always have a high self-drive to work towards achieving the goals of the institution willingly. Motivation and job satisfaction are cross-linked. Therefore, the job worker's turnover is lower in an organization that motivates its workers thus reducing the cost of recruiting, orienting and training a new batch of employees. In the healthcare, there is a shortage of workers in most countries, therefore retain workers in the healthcare is an important step (Elliot et al.,2017). A system with satisfied and motivated workers experiences a highly integrated and organized running of tasks for the best outcomes. The motivation of healthcare providers will ensure that the patient outcome is favorable thereby reducing the financial burden of the individuals and the whole nation. # 2 Differentiate between the different th ...
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