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Health Belief Model On Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Health & Medical
Morgan State University
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Health belief model on sexually transmitted diseases
There has been increased sexually transmitted diseases in the country. Youths have been
the most affected age group. Bad sexual behaviors have increased the risks of contracting HIV
disease among the youths. This behavior puts many lives at a risk. It may even result in deaths as
many people ignore visiting health facilities. Females also may fail to go to clinics while they are
pregnant and this may victimize the life of the child. Failure to use contraceptives has also
increased the rate at which the disease spreads. Health belief model tries to intervene and to
determine how individual behaviors may affect his health condition. The model collects
information from this group through carrying out the assessment of their health needs and further
determining whether they are at a risk. A discussion is carried out to decide which actions to be
taken towards the problem. The model seeks to find a remedy to the problems that make young
people vulnerable to the risk of contracting the diseases related to unprotected sex. People’s
behaviors and beliefs play a big role in the spread of the diseases. Health belief model has played
a big role to change people’s behaviors and beliefs and thus has reduced the rate at which the
diseases spread.

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Health belief model on sexually transmitted diseases There has been increased sexually transmitted diseases in the country. Youths have been the most affected age group. Bad sexual behaviors have increased the risks of contracting HIV disease among the youths. This behavior puts many lives at a risk. It may even result in deaths as many people ignore visiting health facilities. Females also may fail to go to clinics while they are pregnant and this may victimize the life of the child. Failure to use contraceptives has also increased the rate at which the disease spreads. Health belief model tr ...
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