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Discussion Questions 2

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Discussion Questions
Question One
Production sharing between America and Mexico has significant benefits as it leads to
price competitiveness. The US has adopted the method of production by importing some of the
aspects of a product from Mexico and other nations. The element has significant benefits as the
country maintains higher wages in its industries. As a result, the state can hire employees from
different regions and retain them by paying them higher wages (Feenstra & Taylor, 2017). On
the other hand, the country manages to produce high-quality products that fetch high market
prices once exported. The US has managed to establish an essential market for its products and
components. The US has benefited from Mexico and other countries since it has expanded its
companies and has a wide variety of exports that fetch high prices due to their improved quality.
Also, the country has a competitive advantage over other exporters of similar products due to a
reduction in production costs.
Question Two
The merger between Chrysler and Daimler failed due to differences in culture in the two
corporations. The management and employees of the two firms had cultural differences that
could not become integrated. As a result, each of the companies disliked the other making it hard
for the two to cooperate and achieve results in the long run. The corporate cultures of the two
organizations could not merge and work together became impossible despite the efforts to merge
them (David & David, 2015). Also, the attitude to hierarchy varied between the two firms and
there were differences between the ways in which the companies handled customers. When
corporations have gaps in their corporate cultures, they cannot succeed if they cannot have

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Running Head: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1 Discussion Questions Name Professor Institution Course Date DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 2 Discussion Questions Question One Production sharing between America and Mexico has significant benefits as it leads to price competitiveness. The US has adopted the method of production by importing some of the aspects of a product from Mexico and other nations. The element has significant benefits as the country maintains higher wages in its industries. As a result, the state can hire employees from different regions and retain them by paying them higher wages (Feenstra & Taylor, 2017). On the other hand, the country manages to produce high-quality products that fetch high market prices once exported. The US has managed to establish an essential market for its products and components. The US has benefited from Mexico and other countries since it has expanded its companies and has a wide variety of exports that fetch high prices due to their improved quality. Also, the country has a competitive advantage over other exporters of similar products due to a reduction in production costs. Question Two The merger between Chrysler and Daimler failed due to differe ...
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