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Culture And Inclusion Ans

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Culture and Inclusion
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Culture and Inclusion
Multicultural education is an essential element for children under the age of ten.
According to research conducted by a professor at the University of Colorado, children as young
as six months exhibited curiosity when presented with pictures of adults from different cultures
(Kantz, 2016). This curiosity was shown by the length of time the children started at each
photograph. It is evident that young children notice the differences in cultural structures and
teaching them is therefore beneficial. Additionally, children of such a tender age, between 1 and
five years old, are inquisitive about their own culture and that of other children. In fact, teachers
and parents are encouraged to use their inquisitive nature to teach them concerning culture. It is
developmentally appropriate and necessary to have children aware of the diversity of the world
which begins to form their classroom. Moreover, their cognitive development is also improved
as they gain more knowledge concerning the world they live. Their biases to others and their
culture are also not formed thus the need to teach them concerning any differences such as race,
ethnic backgrounds and other elements that make up the subject (Mao, 2009).
Teachers can create time within their lesson time to enhance diversity by encouraging
children to celebrate their traditions. For instance, instructing them to talk to others about some
of the practices in their homes exposes them to diversity contained the classroom and even
enhances cooperativeness and tolerance. Family involvement is important, and parents can chip
in by dressing their children with at least one element of their traditional clothes on a day that the
teacher has approved. Promotion of diversity and tolerance begins in the classroom where
children are taught concerning the existence of other cultures. They learn to respect them and

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Running Head: CULTURE AND INCLUSION Culture and Inclusion Name Institutional Affiliation 1 CULTURE AND INCLUSION 2 Culture and Inclusion Culture Multicultural education is an essential element for children under the age of ten. According to research conducted by a professor at the University of Colorado, children as young as six months exhibited curiosity when presented with pictures of adults from different cultures (Kantz, 2016). This curiosity was shown by the length of time the children started at each photograph. It is evident that young children notice the differences in cultural structures and teaching them is therefore beneficial. Additionally, children of such a tender age, between 1 and five years old, are inquisitive about their own culture and that of other children. In fact, teachers and parents are encouraged to use their inquisitive nature to teach them concerning culture. It is developmentally appropriate and necessary to have children aware of the diversity of the world which begins to form their classroom. Moreover, their cognitive development is also improved as they gain more knowledge concerning the world they live. Their biases to others and their cultur ...
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