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Analysis of Raytheon Company
Institutional affiliation

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Overview of the defense industry
Raytheon operates in weapon or defense industry as well as in commercial electronics. The
weapon or defense industry is one that is very competitive and has several players because most
military technology comes from America. The industry involves intensive research and
development of better military equipment which will meet the demands of the contract. Raytheon
produces guided missiles, and it is the world’s largest producer a position it has maintained since
2007. According to SIPRI a peace research institution, it estimated that in 2015 the military
expenditure in defense was approximately 1.8 trillion dollars. The amount being spent in defense
in massive. The U.S is the largest producer of defense in the world as it is home to 100 of the
largest companies in the world. According to SIPRI (2016) report over $30 billion was spent in
arms trade in the international market a figure which excludes the domestic market. The figure
continues to grow by 16% every year since 2009.
Following the declining demand for military weapons such as guided missiles, many companies
such as Raytheon were forced to diversify their products. Raytheon is also involved in
telecommunication industry with specialization in military communication technology. The
defense industry is one that is extensive, and Raytheon has acquired a substantial share of the
market through involving itself in several areas. Raytheon offers air traffic control systems,
satellite sensors, communication, radars, and sensors. For the commercial industry Raytheon
manufacturers semiconductors for UK and US. In the semi-conductors industry, Raytheon ranks
in the top 20 in the U.S (SIPRI, 2016).
According to a report by SIPRI (2016), the top 100 companies globally made a total of 370.7
trillion dollars in 2015. For Raytheon it’s annual revenues are on average 20 billion dollars based
on their financial statements (Raytheon, 2017). The demand for arms continues to rise every day

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Running head: ANALYSIS OF RAYTHEON COMPANY Analysis of Raytheon Company Name Institutional affiliation 1 ANALYSIS OF RAYTHEON COMPANY 2 Overview of the defense industry Raytheon operates in weapon or defense industry as well as in commercial electronics. The weapon or defense industry is one that is very competitive and has several players because most military technology comes from America. The industry involves intensive research and development of better military equipment which will meet the demands of the contract. Raytheon produces guided missiles, and it is the world’s largest producer a position it has maintained since 2007. According to SIPRI a peace research institution, it estimated that in 2015 the military expenditure in defense was approximately 1.8 trillion dollars. The amount being spent in defense in massive. The U.S is the largest producer of defense in the world as it is home to 100 of the largest companies in the world. According to SIPRI (2016) report over $30 billion was spent in arms trade in the international market a figure which excludes the domestic market. The figure continues to grow by 16% every year since 2009. Following the declining demand for military weapons such as guided missiles, many companies such as Raytheon were forced to diversify their products. Raytheon is also involved in telecommunication industry with specialization in military communication technology. The defense industry is one that is extensive, and Raytheon has acqu ...
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