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Common Practices In Religion

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Common Practices in Religion

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Difference between the Academic Study of Religion, and Devotional Practice and Advocacy
The academic study of religion is all about learning the history of religion. A further
understanding as indicated by Crawford (2015) is that it is a multi-disciplinary academic field
that is dedicated to research on religion, religious behavior, religious beliefs, and intuition.
Moreover, the academic study of religion deals with comparing, explaining, interpreting and
describing the history and cross-cultural standpoints of religion. Different religious study's
scholars have also given their different perspectives of defining the academic study of religion.
People like Walter Capps describe academic study of religion as that which provides training and
practice (Orsi, 2013). In this discipline, different scholars have different interests in their study of
religion. For example, some are studying religion to defend it and others explain it while others
use it to explain other theories.
On the other hand, however, devotional practice and advocacy of religion are about
learning religion for the religious purpose (Crawford, 2015). It also includes learning religion to
develop them in the understanding of it as an ideology and a means to answer questions. In this
case, religion is studied so that one enters the field such as priesthood and so on.
Definition of Religion
Defining religion is challenging since most definitions have taken a monotheistic
perspective. Hence, many scholars have tried to look into what is common to all religions in
order to arrive at a comprehensive definition. Hence, religion can be defined as the worshiping
of a supernatural power, which in most cases is God or gods. In some other religions, the
supernatural power could be the ancestors and spirits (Orsi, 2013). Furthermore, the definition
can still be the service and the worship of God or the supernatural powers.

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Running head: COMMON PRACTICES IN RELIGION Common Practices in Religion Institution Name Date 1 COMMON PRACTICES IN RELIGION 2 Difference between the Academic Study of Religion, and Devotional Practice and Advocacy The academic study of religion is all about learning the history of religion. A further understanding as indicated by Crawford (2015) is that it is a multi-disciplinary academic field that is dedicated to research on religion, religious behavior, religious beliefs, and intuition. Moreover, the academic study of religion deals with comparing, explaining, interpreting and describing the history and cross-cultural standpoints of religion. Different religious study's scholars have also given their different perspectives of defining the academic study of religion. People like Walter Capps describe academic study of religion as that which provides training and practice (Orsi, 2013). In this discipline, different scholars have different interests in their study of religion. For example, some are studying religion to defend it and others explain it while others use it to explain other theories. On the other hand, however, devotional practice and advocacy of religion are about learning religion for the religious purpose (Crawford, 2015). It also includes learning religion to develop them in the understanding of it as an ideology and a means to answer questions. In this case, religion is studied so that one enters the field such as priesthood and so on. Definition of R ...
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