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Compare the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Which document did a better
job of protecting liberties? Running a government? Explain your answer with specific
The article of confederation leads to the creation of a federal government which was
weak. The president for an example could not have executive authority. The only thing the
president could do is just presiding over the Senate. The federal government was also made weak
in the sector of taxes, trade, and security. The federal government could not get taxes, control
trade or raise an army. This made it hard for the federal government to amend articles and pass a
law. Some people argued that this would protect the liberties. All in all, it helped in protecting
the rights of the state.
The things mentioned above were able to be done by the government created by the new
constitution. This eased the way of forming a national government. This had an effect since the
government had more powers which could lead to oppression of the citizens. In an attempt to
preserve the liberty, the constitution was passed together with a bill of rights. This helped to
balance the issues as compared to the articles. Today it is a bit different since the federal
government is using its power to trample the rights of individuals.

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In short, the Articles of Confederation protected the liberties while the constitution led to
the creation of the National Government (Running Government).

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Surname1 Name Course Professor Date Compare the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Which document did a better job of protecting liberties? Running a government? Explain your answer with specific examples. The article of confederation leads to the creation of a federal government which was weak. The president for an example could not have executive authority. The only thing the president could do is just presiding over the Senate. The federal government was also made weak in the sector of taxes, trade, and security. The federal government could not get taxes, control trade or raise an army. This made it hard for the federal government to amend articles and pass a law. Some people argued that this would protect the liberties. All in all, it helped in protecting the rights of the state. The things mentioned above were able to be done by the government created by the new constit ...
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