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Lesson 6 Replies

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Untouchable from Birth
As Americans, we are very lucky to live in a society that emphasizes on equality. While there are
still many issues that still exist today and we are far from being truly equalor more
specifically, equitable we have managed to stride through far lengths to get to where we
currently are. Men and women of many different backgrounds such as race, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, etc. are generally able to work in the same positions and receive the same
amount of respect and payment as one another without any outside influences hindering such
things. Our resources, while some more available to others depending on your position, both
politically and financially, are generally accessible to everyone. Clean water is easily available
in any area inhabited by people and food as well as materials are also a shop away. Resources
such as property are also generally focused on public use or “for the greater public goodsuch as
schools, parks, shops, restaurants, etc. Private properties are typically residential areas such as
homes or farms.
We do not see any equal use of resources in Tom O’Neill’s text, Untouchable, as a very
dominate caste system that heavily influences how one person treats another based on their
positions on said hierarchy. The text focuses on the Untouchable, a status that is given to you
upon your firth breath given that your parent is also an Untouchable. They are no different from
any other Indian in their society yet they are treated as almost slaves, only able to take up the
filthiest and unwanted jobs and are segregated to live in the slums. While others can leisurely
attend proper education and work towards achieving their dreams, Untouchables are left with the
“unclean work” such as cremating the dead, sweep gutters, and removing dead animals from
roads. Most if not all resources available to the Untouchable are of lower standards, items or
facilities those in higher tiers would prefer not to have and are thrown for the next person to
scrap. Untouchables may not even give someone of higher level a bad look unless they want a
swarm of people at their house, not leaving without having an Untouchable raped, lynched,
burned, or gunned down. Human rights organizations and police are present and are available to
the Untouchables but many of their cases are not reported let alone investigated by police. Most
if not all the people in this caste level are furious with how they are treated but many cannot
rebel in fear of harm coming their way.
RE: You are right that everything is very equal in America and we definitely take it for granted.
One of the things that is unequal, though, is when someone is born into a rich or poor family, it
changes their accessibility to resources. Even so, that is nothing compared to the inequality the
the Untouchables feel for their whole lives. They are treated like slaves, and once they are born,
they are ensured to never be able to live a decent life.
Peter Garcia

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REPLIES FROM DB – 3-4 SENTENCES ARE OKAY! ☺ Untouchable from Birth Collapse As Americans, we are very lucky to live in a society that emphasizes on equality. While there are still many issues that still exist today and we are far from being truly equal—or more specifically, equitable— we have managed to stride through far lengths to get to where we currently are. Men and women of many different backgrounds such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. are generally able to work in the same positions and receive the same amount of respect and payment as one another without a ...
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