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Three Marketing Research Methods

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Comparing and Contrasting Three Marketing Research Methods
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Market research is a descriptive research method that involves conducting a study on the
various aspect of the market that determines the fate of a product. There are three main types of
descriptive market research methods which have been widely used by many organization. These
market research methods have similarities and differences. However, the purpose of the three
market research methods remains collecting market data for decision making.
Differences between Case Study Research Method, the Survey Market Research Method
The Observation Method
This method is also referred to as the field observation method. It involves observing
the behavior of customers to a particular product in the market and then analyzing how to
counter the possible adverse effects observed. In this type of research, the researcher takes time
to observe the respondents in their habitats in the market, thus giving it more validity regarding
sample population (Finkler & Ward, 2015). Unlike the other two market research methods, this
type of market research involves a lot of control in the research method thus giving a meaningful
outcome in the market research process.
Case Study Market Research Method
The case study market research method involves picking a particular group of consumers
and then undertaking a market research on a particular product. Unlike the other market research
methods, this method of market research allows the testing of hypothesis and the study of very
rare phenomena (Hale, 2015). As opposed to the observation market research method, this type
of market research is not applicable in determining the effects of a particular market
phenomenon or the causes of the market phenomena under study. However, it concurs with the
to the survey market research method. Equally, the case study market research does not allow the

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1 MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS Comparing and Contrasting Three Marketing Research Methods Student’s Name: Institution of Affiliation: Course: Date: 2 MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS Introduction Market research is a descriptive research method that involves conducting a study on the various aspect of the market that determines the fate of a product. There are three main types of descriptive market research methods which have been widely used by many organization. These market research methods have similarities and differences. However, the purpose of the three market research methods remains collecting market data for decision making. Differences between Case Study Research Method, the Survey Market Research Method The Observation Method This method is also referred to as the field observation method. It involves observing the behavior of customers to a particular product in the market and then analyzing how to counter the possible adverse effects observed. In this type of research, the researcher takes time to observe the respondents in their habitats in the market, thus giving it more validity regarding sample population (Finkler & Ward, 2015). Unlike the other two market research methods, this type of market research involves a lot of control in the research method thus giving a meaningful outcome in the market research process. Case Study Market Research Method The case study market research method involves picking a particular group of consumers and then undertaking a m ...
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