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Importance Of Packet Data Analysis And Interpretation Skills

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Importance of Packet Data Analysis and Interpretation Skills

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Importance of packet data analysis and interpretation skills
Packet data analysis and interpretation skills form a very important part of an analyst.
This is because packet data holds vital information regarding communication such as the type
of communication, the origin, destination, and how the communication was established. In
this case, having analysis and interpretation skills of packets makes it possible to understand
not just the status of a network server or a system but also to understand whether or not there
was an instance of compromise of the system or the network. In fact, a support forum at Cisco
indicates that both full packet capture or deep packet strings capture provides “everything”
that a packet can tell and, in the process, proper analysis and interpretation of packet data then
are similar to launching a forensics lab (Athavale, 2017).
There are a number of potential indicators of compromise that can be collected from
packet data analysis and interpretation. Sanders & Smith (2014) report that a critical analysis
of packet data through tools such as NetFlow could lead to the establishment of various
attributes and particularly when they are well configured. In return, it is then possible to
identify the presence of an intrusion. One of these is attributes unusual outbound network
traffic. Whenever a system or a network is compromised or is about to be compromised, there
are unusually high outbound data flows as unauthorized persons attempt to establish a
connection with the system. A different potential indicator could be mismatched port-
application traffic. This is in addition to unrecognized sources of requests and traffic
destinations. When packet data is analyzed, it is possible to identify information such as the
source and destination IPs, sequencing information, and the traffic through the header, trailer,
and the payload segments of the packet. Moreover, Chickowski (2013) further reports that
analysis of the system could also help in identifying instances of packet-sniffing. As such, it
then means that packet analysis and interpretation skills are indispensable for any analyst.

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Running head: PACKET DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Importance of Packet Data Analysis and Interpretation Skills Names: Institution: 1 PACKET DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Importance of packet data analysis and interpretation skills Packet data analysis and interpretation skills form a very important part of an analyst. This is because packet data holds vital information regarding communication such as the type of communication, the origin, destination, and how the communication was established. In this case, having analysis and interpretation skills of packets makes it possible to understand not just the status of a network server or a system but also to understand whether or not there was an instance of compromise of the system or the network. In fact, a support forum at Cisco indicates that both full packet capture or deep packet strings capture provides “everything” that ...
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