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Fall Of The Soviet Union During The Cold War

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Fall of the Soviet Union during the Cold War

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Fall of the Soviet Union during the Cold War 2
Russia became the new Soviet Union in 1921 after emerging from the civil war. It was the first
Marxist-Communist nation. The state occupied approximately a sixth of the earth surface and
went on to become the one of the largest and very powerful nations before it fell and was
dissolved around the year 1991.
The Soviet Union seemed stronger in the late 80s and was seemingly recovering from the
Afghanistan invasion as well as recovering from economic stagnation that it had experienced in
the previous decade. However beneath all this development, the state was falling apart. While
corruption and poor decision making contributed to its fall, there are some few systemic issues
that eventually led to the fall of the state;
Western aggression; Cold War tensions were ramped up by the US to very high levels in
1979. They became a very vocal rival of the Soviet Union and increased its military
expenditure on improved weapons which led to the destruction of their missiles making
the US a stronger rival. The US also attacked their economy by isolating them and
influencing a serious drop in oil prices. The Soviet Union eventually began to crumble.
Local nationalist movement; there was rampant growth of nationalism in individual
republics as result of a declined perception of the government. States such as Lithuania,
Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus and Latvia began to have ambitions for independence. This
went on to weaken the Soviet Union eventually contributing to its fall.
Increased focus on the military; the Soviet Union was seemingly obsessive on its
military build-up due to their need to match the military build-up of the US and
neglected to deal with the domestic issues that were continuing to build-up. The
increased focus on weapons lead to low production of consumer products that were
needed to maintain a high living standard. Due to lack of balance between production of

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Running head: Fall of the Soviet Union during the Cold War Fall of the Soviet Union during the Cold War Name: Institution: Date: 1 Fall of the Soviet Union during the Cold War 2 Russia became the new Soviet Union in 1921 after emerging from the civil war. It was the first Marxist-Communist nation. The state occupied approximately a sixth of the earth surface and went on to become the one of the largest and very powerful nations before it fell and was dissolved around the year 1991. The Soviet Union seemed stronger in the late 80s and was seemingly recovering from the Afghanistan invasion as well as recovering from economic stagnation that it had experienced in the previous decade. However beneath all this development, the state was falling apart. While corruption and poor decision making contributed to its fall, there are some few systemic issues that eventually led to the fall of the state; • Western aggression; Cold War tensions were ramped up by the US to very high levels in 1979. They became a very vocal rival of the Soviet Union and increased its military expenditure on improved weapons which led to the destruction of their missiles making the US a stronger rival. The ...
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