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Contrast Between The Enisa And Commonwealth Approaches To Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies

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Computer Science
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Contrast between the ENISA and Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National
Cybersecurity Strategies
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The human life today has taken an approach different from that of the former generation.
The differentiating factor between the current and the past generation is technological
advancement. Today, unlike several centuries ago, the functioning of the society, businesses, and
the government is primarily depended on the efficiency of technological infrastructure. Three
factors determine the efficiency of this technological infrastructure in today's world. The three
include the availability of the information flowing through the infrastructure, its integrity, and
confidentiality. The increased dependence on information technology and technological
infrastructure implies that any form of activity that jeopardizes the above factor can results to
immeasurable loses. For this reason, there is a need for a national cybersecurity strategy to
ensure the safety and security of the cyberspace. The reason why cybersecurity has become an
issue of national interest and importance is that it enhances the informational infrastructure and
The purpose of the paper thus is to compare the compare European network, and
information security agency (ENISA) and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization
(CTO) approaches to the cybersecurity. The paper will explore the differences and similarities
between the principles and guidelines held by each organization in order to determine the best
approach for developing a national cybersecurity strategy. It is essential that every country has
its own national cybersecurity strategy. The endowment of information technology infrastructure
varies across countries. The dependence of the information technology infrastructure also varies
across countries. Developed countries are highly endowed in terms of information technology
infrastructure as compared to both developing and underdeveloped countries. The implication of
this is that developed nations have a high dependence on such technologies than developing and

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Running head: APPROACHES TO CYBERSECURITYSTRATEGIES Contrast between the ENISA and Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies Name Institutional Affiliation 1 APPROACHES TO CYBERSECURITYSTRATEGIES 2 Introduction The human life today has taken an approach different from that of the former generation. The differentiating factor between the current and the past generation is technological advancement. Today, unlike several centuries ago, the functioning of the society, businesses, and the government is primarily depended on the efficiency of technological infrastructure. Three factors determine the efficiency of this technological infrastructure in today's world. The three include the availability of the information flowing through the infrastructure, its integrity, and confidentiality. The increased dependence on information technology and technological infrastructure implies that any form of activity that jeopardizes the above factor can results to immeasurable loses. For this reason, there is a need for a national cybersecurity strategy to ensure the safety and security of the cyberspace. The reason why cybersecurity has become an issue of national interest and importance is that it enhances the informational infrastructure and services. The purpose of the paper thus is to compare the compare European network, and information security agency (ENISA) and the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO) approaches to the cybersecurity. T ...
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