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P472 Route Maps

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Route Maps
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What is a route-map? Name three configurations that might reference a route-map.
Route maps are generic mechanisms or sequence of individual affirmations that are
commanded so that they can approve or deny access to a route. They are flexible in verifying
routes. Typical route maps can change information related to the route when redistributed into a
different protocol. They are used to redistribute routes into Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol (EIGRP), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
routing processes. The route maps have two types of values; a match and a set value. The match
value selects routes and the set value modifies information redistributed in a specified protocol.
Three configurations that reference a route map are route-map Sluggo, route-map Hagar, and
Linus policy configuration. They have to follow a command which might be a redistribution
command or a policy routing command (Tangmunarunkit et al., 2001). Policy routing directs
packets to the route map and the redistribution directs routes to the route map.

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1 Running head: ROUTE MAPS Route Maps Institution Affiliation Date ROUTE MAPS What is a route-map? Name three configurations that might reference a route-map. Route maps are generic mechanisms or sequence of individual affirmations that are commanded so that they can approve or deny access to a route. They are flexible in verifying routes. Typical route maps can change information related to the route when redistributed into a different protocol. They are used to redistribute routes into Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing processes. The route maps have two types of values; a match and a set value. The match value selects routes and the set value modifies information redistributed in a specified protocol. Three configurations that reference a route map are route-map Sluggo, route-map Hagar ...
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