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Reliability In Psychology

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Reliability in psychology
Reliability in Psychology
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Reliability in psychology
Reliability in psychology
In psychological research, reliability is the consistency of a research study or measuring test. A good
example is when one buy a bottle of soda he or she expect that the same quantity will be even if he or
she will buy such a bottle after a period of like 5 or so years. In case there be a slight change, the one
buying may not be in a position to notice since he or she may have taken it as normal and as the way it
should be.
This reliability also takes part in scientific research where some of the input are hold constant
throughout the research period.
In psychology, reliability is grouped in two types which are internal and external reliability.
Internal reliability mostly deals with items which are within the test that is being performed these can
be like one’s character while external reliability mostly relate internal and external items within the
research. It can also be between two or more people. Below are some of the methods used in reliability
Split-half method. It mostly asses internal consistency of the test. A test to be done is divided in to many
halves and a conclusion is made after comparing results of two halves. One of the areas where this
method is mostly applicable is in a science lab where properties of a chemical are to be determined
through a chemical test. A small portion may be taken and be used in all the test and from it a
conclusion of the whole chemical is made.
Test retest method. It mostly focus on external consistency of a test. In this participant are given same
test at different places and results are compared. A good example is two programmers are given a case
and are requested to come up with a program to solve a similar problem. One programmer may wish to
use a programming language which is different from the other programmer but the result be the same.

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Reliability in psychology Reliability in Psychology Student’s Name Students Affiliation Reliability in psychology Reliability in psychology In psychological research, reliability is the consistency of a research study or measuring test. A good example is when one buy a bottle of soda he or she expect that the same quantity will be even if he or she will buy such a bottle after a period of like 5 or so years. In case there be a slight change, the one buying may not be in a position to notice since he or she may have taken it as normal and as the way it should be. This reliability also takes part in scientific research where some of the input are hold constant throughout the research period. In psychology, reliability is grouped in two types which are internal and external reliability. Internal reliability mostly deals with items which are within the test that is being performed thes ...
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