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H598 Governing Texas.edited

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El Paso Community College
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Running head: GOVERNING TAX 1
Governing Texas
Institution Affiliation

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An interest group alludes to a gathering of individuals that looks to impact public
policy on the premise of a specific common intrigue or concern (Daughtry, Farooq, Stylos &
Myers, 2009). I am a member of the Texas Right to Life Committee which is an interest group
that deals with the issue of abortion. The group fights against the issue of abortion. The group
has influenced my view concerning abortion. Initially, I thought that people had the right to
choose between giving birth and aborting but over the years I have come to understand that
abortion is a crime.
I am also a member of the NARAL Pro-Choice Texas group which also fights for
the rights of the unborn child. Most states have legalized abortion but the fact is that abortion is
morally wrong and dehumanizing. Every human being might have the right to privacy but the
right to human dignity and the right to life supersede all other rights. I am also a member of the
Texas NACCP which is a group that files for civil rights lawsuits. Above everything else, the
group has taught me the need for human beings to enjoy their civil rights and the need to protect
human life from oppression by the bureaucrats.
I am a member of the EPCC social work club. The club is the leading club in
EPCC. It offers social services to different vulnerable individuals in society. In our own way, we
are able to articulate for the rights of the vulnerable and the physically and mentally challenged
individuals. We vote to elect the executive branch which consists of the president, the secretary,
and the treasurer. They are responsible for organizing events and forums and they are paid for
their time and the services they give to the group. Interest groups are advantageous as they take
part in policy formulation.

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Running head: GOVERNING TAX 1 Governing Texas Institution Affiliation Date GOVERNING TAX An interest group alludes to a gathering of individuals that looks to impact public policy on the premise of a specific common intrigue or concern (Daughtry, Farooq, Stylos & Myers, 2009). I am a member of the Texas Right to Life Committee which is an interest group that deals with the issue of abortion. The group fights against the issue of abortion. The group has influenced my view concerning abortion. Initially, I thought that people had the right to choose between giving birth and aborting but over the years I have come to understand that abortion is a crime. I am also a member of the NARAL Pro-Choice Texas group which also fights for the rights of the unborn child. Most states have legalized abortion but the fact is that abortion is morally wrong and dehumanizing. Every human being might hav ...
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