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Organization Models

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Organization Models
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Open organization refers to an organization that engages both inside and outside the
participative community. This organization has great access to resources and talents from the
outside environment, and it motivates, inspires and empowers the community to act accountably
at all levels. It has the advantage of a fast response to an opportunity that is noted within the
community (Schramm, & Peter, 2005). Closed organization, this refers to an organization that
owned and managed by a small group of persons. This organization is closed from the external
environment; therefore, any information or data is transmitted within the organization alone. No
involvement of the outsiders in the decision-making process of the firm or any other activity. In
this organization, the manager is expected to and the organization's decision making the team to
analyses the problems that the business is facing using the internal environment without
considering the external environment. (Schramm, & Peter, 2005).
Young enterprise is an open company that deals with the manufacturing of macadamia
products. This product includes cosmetics and other related products. It also have a branch that
make chocolates out of the refined macadamia seeds. Therefore the following characteristics are
associated with it: transparency, this is openness. An open organization has both the external and
internal community accessing their data n other materials easily; therefore, they have the duty of
making them readily available to the public inclusivity, this is the aspect of letting others give
their opinion in regards to a certain issue. They allow the members of the organization to give
their views before making decisions. Adaptability, this refers to the act of being flexible and
resilient to the changes. Both negative and positive response to changes are taken it no
considerations and the appropriate measures are taken where necessary. Collaboration, this is
involvement of many parties. An open organization encourages giving a hand from several

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Running head: ORGANIZATION MODELS 1 Organization Models Institution Affiliation Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date ORGANIZATION MODELS 2 ORGANIZATION MODELS Open organization refers to an organization that engages both inside and outside the participative community. This organization has great access to resources and talents from the outside environment, and it motivates, inspires and empowers the community to act accountably at all levels. It has the advantage of a fast response to an opportunity that is noted within the community (Schramm, & Peter, 2005). Closed organization, this refers to an organization that owned and managed by a small group of persons. This organization is closed from the external environment; therefore, any information or data is transmitted within the organization alone. No involvement of the outsiders in the decision-making process of the firm or any other activity. In this organization, the manager is expected to and the organization's decision making the team to analyses the problems that the business is facing using the internal environment without considering the external environment. (Schramm, & Peter, 2005). Young enterprise is an open company that deals with the manufacturing of macadamia products. This product includes cosmetics and other related products. It also have a branch that make chocolates out of the refined macadamia seeds. Therefore the following characteristics are associated with it: transparency, this i ...
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