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Cases of devices left accidentally in patients’ body parts after successfully undergoing
surgery are not unique to the modern healthcare system setting. Some of these devices,
astoundingly, enhance the body’s physiological functioning. The classification of these devices
is essential in understanding whether they are useful or not. A device is detailed in the sixth
appeal and is only utilized in specifying gadgets that remain after the process is finalized.
According to this definition, there are four overall types of gadgets: biological or systematic
materials that occupy of all or a share of one’s body, biological or systematic materials that
support or prevent a bodily purpose, therapeutic materials not engrossed, eliminated by or
merged into a body fragment and lastly, mechanical or electric appliances utilized to aid, screen,
replace or prevent a biological part.
The Joint Commission, which is a not-for-profit healthcare safety regulator, reports that
at least 772 incidents of devices left in patients’ body after an invasive procedure have occurred
since 2005 (Daily Maily Reporter). Some of the common devices left after these operations
include sponges, towels, needles, retractors, and other small items or paraphernalia. The
commission claims that such negligence by physicians has resulted in 16 deaths, bringing the
question on how keenly surgery is often undertaken. Research by the Joint Commission on the
above topic identifies human blunder and lack of guidelines and procedures as the main
contributions of the high rate of devices being left in patients’ body organs (Daily Maily

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Reporter). The watchdog now proposes the need for stricter and more standardized counting
systems by all members of the hospital team including surgeons, nurses, and radiologists after
and before the surgery.

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Surname 1 Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: Discussion Cases of devices left accidentally in patients’ body parts after successfully undergoing surgery are not unique to the modern healthcare system setting. Some of these devices, astoundingly, enhance the body’s physiological functioning. The classification of these devices is essential in understanding whether they are useful or not. A device is detailed in the sixth appeal and is only utilized in specifying gadgets that remain after the process is finalized. According to this definition, there are four overall types of gadgets: biological or systematic materials that occupy of all or a share of one’s body, biological or systematic materials that support or prevent a bodily purpose, therapeutic materials not engrossed, eliminated by or merged into a body fragment and lastly, mechanical or electric appliances utilized to ai ...
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