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Police Use Of Force Ans

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Police Use of Force
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Police Use of Force
In the 1985 civil case of Tennessee vs. Garner, the use of police force on a fleeing
suspect was evaluated in the Supreme Court. According to the facts presented to the court a
police officer. Elton Hymon, shoot at Garner, a suspected robber. 15-year-old Garner was
supposed of robbing a house in the neighborhood, and he was fleeing from the scene. While
attempting to jump over a fence, Elton Hymon, the police officer shot at him with a deep tip
bullet to stop him from escaping. The bullet hit the boy on the back of the head and then rushed
to the hospital he lost his life shortly. Later the police officer was questioned concerning the
incident, and he admitted to knowing that the boy was unarmed. In fact, his only reason for
having shot him was to prevent his escape. Based on these facts, Garner’s father sued for
damages and infringement of his son’s constitutional rights.
Although the district court ruled against Garner’s father, on the grounds that his son has
risked the shot by attempting to flee, the US court of appeals reversed this ruling. The US court
of appeal ruled that it was a violation of the fourth amendment because Garner did not pose a
threat to the safety of the police officer and the community overall. According to the fourth
amendment, the use of lethal force is only authorized if the offender poses a threat. In the ruling,
the judge identified the Tennessee statute as being unconstitutional since it permitted the use of
fatal force to stop flexing of the unarmed offender. In most jurisdictions, the use of lethal force is
only justified only certain conditions. Lethal force is perceived as a last resort when all other
alternative means of preventing the offender have failed or cannot be executed within reasonable
The case in Tennessee vs. Garner affected the further use of deadly force by the police.
The case determined the limits or the constraints of using deadly force in the US. Probable cause

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Running Head: POLICE USE OF FORCE 1 Police Use of Force Name Institutional Affiliation POLICE USE OF FORCE 2 Police Use of Force In the 1985 civil case of Tennessee vs. Garner, the use of police force on a fleeing suspect was evaluated in the Supreme Court. According to the facts presented to the court a police officer. Elton Hymon, shoot at Garner, a suspected robber. 15-year-old Garner was supposed of robbing a house in the neighborhood, and he was fleeing from the scene. While attempting to jump over a fence, Elton Hymon, the police officer shot at him with a deep tip bullet to stop him from escaping. The bullet hit the boy on the back of the head and then rushed to the hospital he lost his life shortly. Later the police officer was questioned concerning the incident, and he admitted to knowing that the boy was unarmed. In fact, his only reason for having shot him was to prevent his escape. Based on these facts, Garner’s father sued for damages and infringement of his son’s constitutional rights. Although the district court ruled against Garner’s father, on the grounds that his son has risked the shot by attempting to flee, the US court of appeals reversed this rulin ...
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