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Healthcare Workflow

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Healthcare workflow

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It is important to note that when changes need to be made with new processes, the
managers should be knowledgeable on the efficiency of the existing work flow or the need to
redesign it. A good manager should be acquainted to the movement of tasks through a
process in accomplishing a set of activities according to certain specified routes, roles and
rules (Kudyba, 2010). Hence, when changes need to be made with new processes, process
modelling may be necessary but only to be effected by a person knowledgeable of the work
flow within a certain department.
Essentially, a new process can either simplify the existing workflow or make it more
complex, and perhaps impact its effectiveness (Hoyt, Yoshihashi & Bailey, 2012). For
instance, the workflow within the facility may be slowed down due to conflicts of priorities
caused by the introduction of the new process. However, some new processes may be
efficient on their own and can work in isolation, thus cutting the number of processes
involved, and ultimately improving the effectiveness of the work flow.
One of the positive impacts a new process could have on a facility is enhanced time-
efficiency. A new process could streamline how activities are done and thus saving time and
enhancing the overall time-efficiency of the work flow (Hoyt, Yoshihashi & Bailey, 2012).
However, one negative impact that a new process could have on a facility if a workflow
analysis is not completed is complicating the workflow. New processes may not be in synch
with the existing processes, thus causing conflicts and complicating the workflow by making
it more complex.

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Running Head: HEALTHCARE WORKFLOW Healthcare workflow Name Institution 1 HEALTHCARE WORKFLOW 2 It is important to note that when changes need to be made with new processes, the managers should be knowledgeable on the efficiency of the existing work flow or the need to redesign it. A good manager should be acquainted to the movement of tasks through a process in accomplishing a set of activities according to certain specified routes, roles and rules (Kudyba, 2010). Hence, when changes need to be made with new processes, process modelling may be necessary but only to be effected by a person knowledgeable of the work flow within a certain department. Essentially, a new process can either simplify the existing workflow or make it more complex, and perhaps impact its effectiveness (Hoyt, Yoshihashi & Bailey, 2012). For instance, the workflow within the facility may be slowed down due to ...
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