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Jack The Ripper 1

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Jack the Ripper
Students Name
Institution Affiliation

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Question 1
Jack the Ripper's victims were mostly female prostitutes who were found murdered by
the ripper who is described as a man. The Ripper performed some surgery on the bodies of the
victims where he removed some parts of the throat and the abdomen like the womb and the
private parts. Sexual motives may not have motivated the sadist's behavior. As seen, the rippers
activity might be stimulated by many occurrences. Jack the Ripper had some skills in performing
the surgeries which shows that he might be experimenting his skills or there might be some
rituals that were done after delivering the parts of the body that he had removed (Cook, 2009).
Women prostitutes at the time were said to be infected with venereal disease, and hence due to
self-safety, Jack did not engage himself in sexual intercourse with the prostitutes.
Question 2
The ripper targeted the prostitutes mainly because they are easier to lure and to drag
wherever one pleases. Prostitutes are driven by the availability of money hence promising them
money can make them do whatever they are told. The ripper operated at the east end of London a
region which had been significantly affected by poverty from the large numbers of immigrants
driving more women into prostitution during the time. The ripper might have used this
knowledge and taken advantage of poverty affecting people to drag the victims to the weird
places where their bodies would be later found. At the time of the killer, the murder of a working
girl was rarely reported hence the killer might have taken advantage of the ignorance of the
authorities (Foreman & Evans, 2005). Additionally, prostitutes who were working for the
brothels and were not responsible.
Question 3

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Running head: JACK THE RIPPER 1 Jack the Ripper Student’s Name Institution Affiliation JACK THE RIPPER 2 Question 1 Jack the Ripper's victims were mostly female prostitutes who were found murdered by the ripper who is described as a man. The Ripper performed some surgery on the bodies of the victims where he removed some parts of the throat and the abdomen like the womb and the private parts. Sexual motives may not have motivated the sadist's behavior. As seen, the ripper’s activity might be stimulated by many occurrences. Jack the Ripper had some skills in performing the surgeries which shows that he might be experimenting his skills or there might be some rituals that were done after delivering the parts of the body that he had removed (Cook, 2009). Women prostitutes at the time were said to be infected with venereal disease, and hence due to self-safety, Jack did not engage himself in sexual intercourse with the prostitutes. Question 2 The ripper targeted the prostitutes mainly because they are easier to lure and to drag wherever one pleases. Prostitutes are driven by the availability of money hence promising them money can make them do whatever they are told. The ripp ...
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