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S397 Sociological Concepts

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Sociological Concepts
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The power of identity defines how an individual relates to other people and how he or she
can shape their life while influencing the lives of others in a positive way. Unlike in other
countries, the criminal justice system for the United States includes a network of justice systems
at the state, federal and special jurisdiction levels like territorial and military courts. The federal
system handles cases like treason, assassination, and espionage, while the state criminal system
deals with crimes that have state involvement. The justice mechanism incorporates distinct
functions, targeting to have the offenders repent and also pay for the crimes done, while at the
same time, it provides compensation for the victims.
Criminal Justice Components
Components of the criminal justice include Law enforcement, which involves
investigations, arresting suspected offenders, gathering evidence and making reports. This
principle ensures that the social rights of the victims, offenders, and witnesses are upheld. The
second principle is Adjudication, which refers to the court process, where judgment is
pronounced. Judgements may include dismissal of the case, trial, and sentencing in form of a
punishment or the even death penalty for heinous crimes. The third component involves
correction or rehabilitation for the offenders. These programs are done in public or private
institutions as guided by the law. Deviance refers to any behaviors or actions that a contrary to
the norms of the society. The strain theory explains the social gap created by socio-economic
differences in the society. This could be driven by psychological reasons, biological factors and
sociological and cultural influence. Sociological factors such as residential neighborhood, family

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Running head: SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS Sociological Concepts Institution Affiliation Date 1 SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS 2 Introduction The power of identity defines how an individual relates to other people and how he or she can shape their life while influencing the lives of others in a positive way. Unlike in other countries, the criminal justice system for the United States includes a network of justice systems at the state, federal and special jurisdiction levels like territorial and military courts. The federal system handles cases like treason, assassination, and espionage, while the state criminal system deals with crimes that have state involvement. The justice mechanism incorporates distinct functions, targeting to have the offenders repent and also pay for the crimes done, while at the same time, it provides compensation for the victims. Criminal Justice Components Components of the criminal justice include Law enforcement, which involves investigations, arresting suspected offenders, gathering evidence and making reports. This principle ensures that the social rights of the victims, offenders, and witnesses are upheld. The second principle is Adjudication, which refers ...
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