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Types Of Attachment

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Types of Attachment
The emotional connection that exists between two individuals despite the space between
them is called the attachment. However, attachment may involve the two people reciprocating to
each other or only one person being attached to the other. With proper observation of the
relationship between a caretaker and child, the following types of attachment are seen:
1. Secure Attachment
In this bond, the infant will feel more secure with the parent or a close relative rather than
a stranger. The infant therefore uses the people close to them as a secure base. When the
infant is not happy the parent is able to use their attachment to comfort them. The parent
is always present responding to the physical and emotional needs of the infant.
2. Insecure/avoidant attachment
This kind of attachment happens when the child feels insecure with the parent and prefers
staying with a stranger rather than the parent. The infant can stay the whole day without
the parent and when they are back the infant will prefer a stranger or act like the parent is
not home. This happens when the parent is unresponsive or dismissive when the child is
in need of emotional care. Eventually, the child will stop looking for attention and shut
down the parent.

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3. Insecure/resistant/ambivalent attachment
In this attachment the infant will tend to resist the environment and cling to the mother.
This happens when the mother is inconsistently present and when she is there, she seems
occupied with other things other than the infant. The infant will therefore be clingy,
demanding and hard to comfort.
4. Disoriented/disorganized attachment
The infant will react in unexpected or contradictory manner when the parent returns. At
times when held by the parent they tend to look away or give a confused expression.
Disoriented/disorganized attachment
The infant will react in unexpected or contradictory manner when the parent returns. At
times when held by the parent they tend to look away or give a confused expression. Children in
this state act in unexpected manner because they are confused. This shows they get attention
from the parent but are still treated in a manner that make them feel insecure and uncertain. In
this case the child tries to reach out to the care giver and if it does not work the child dissociates
everyone. One of the child in our early childhood development program is exhibiting some
characteristic of a of disoriented child .These child started by consistently trying to seek the
attention of the care giver, the child in several occasion became too compliant and with time the
child dissociated from everyone or what people refer to as unresponsive (Taylor, Chris)
Helping a child with such a problem is not an easy task. It will require the help of care
giver, the parent and the child. With this in mind, it is the responsibility of the care giver to find
the root course of disorientation. In this case, the care giver should create a good bond with the
child so that it will be easy to interview the child and determine what the problem. Remember,

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor Course Date Types of Attachment The emotional connection that exists between two individuals despite the space between them is called the attachment. However, attachment may involve the two people reciprocating to each other or only one person being attached to the other. With proper observation of the relationship between a caretaker and child, the following types of attachment are seen: 1. Secure Attachment In this bond, the infant will feel more secure with the parent or a close relative rather than a stranger. The infant therefore uses the people close to them as a secure base. When the infant is not happy the parent is able to use their attachment to comfort them. The parent is always present responding to the physical and emotional needs of the infant. 2. Insecure/avoidant attachment This kind of attachment happens when the child feels insecure with the parent and prefers staying with a stranger rather than the parent. The infant can stay the whole day without the parent and when they are back the infant will prefer a stranger or act like the parent is not home. This happens when the parent is unresponsive or dismissive when the child is ...
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