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Organizational Development Consultancy.edited

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The Role of an Organizational Development Consultant
An organizational development consultant usually gets called into a company in order to
make an evaluation of its operations and based on their findings, make recommendations on
what should be done to improve. Most of the time, OD consultant services are sought when a
company is in a crises or is struggling (Klat-Smith 959-962). For example, an OD consultant can
be called when the management thinks that maximum efficiency of the employees is not being
achieved. The OD consultant, therefore, will come in to evaluate whether there is; redundancy in
work allocation, proper skill allocation, and the correct employee morale amongst employees
necessary to ensure maximum productivity.
In addressing this issue, the OD might use two intervention strategies. One of the
strategies would be to use a structural approach (Klat-Smith 959-962). In this case, the OD
consultant might recommend reducing the layers of the management hierarchy so as decisions
flow faster. They might also recommend downsizing the number of employees to eliminate
redundancy of tasks and skills. Lastly, the OD consultant may intervene using the behavioral
approach strategy. In this case, the OD consultant might recommend ways of improving the
employee morale to enhance productivity (Klat-Smith 959-962). However, these interventions
might face barriers. For instance, it might be difficult explain to some employees that they are
getting fired because they have not been found to be useful in the company. Some employees

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might file lawsuits in opposition to this development. Furthermore, people fear change.
Employees might panic when the evaluation is being undertaken which might negatively affect

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Surname 1 Name Instructor’s name Course Date The Role of an Organizational Development Consultant An organizational development consultant usually gets called into a company in order to make an evaluation of its operations and based on their findings, make recommendations on what should be done to improve. Most of the time, OD consultant services are sought when a company is in a crises or is struggling (Klat-Smith 959-962). For example, an OD consultant can be called when the management thinks that maximum efficiency of the employees is not being achieved. The OD consultant, therefore, will come in to evaluate whether there is; redundancy in work allocation, proper skill allocation, and the correct employee morale amongst employees necessary to ensure maximum productivity. In addressing this issue, the OD might use two intervention strategies. One of the strategies would be to use a ...
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