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Crime And Loss Prevention

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Crime and Loss Prevention

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Insecurity in Photocopiers
The copiers as presented in the video are full of information and as such the ramifications
of the information being stored in them are very adverse. For instance, the hard drives that have
been selected in the video have been found to contain documents on criminal records and
medical records and as such, this information may be taken by people with ill intentions and may
be used to either destroy the person’s character or put the individual at risk of one thing or the
other (SANS Institute, 2007). Therefore, this storage of information on the printers hard disk is a
security risk.
In order, therefore, to protect oneself or a company from these risks, the first thing that needs to
be done it that the companies that are developing these machines ought to educate the public
effectively so that they are aware. Awareness is the backbone of the solution because no matter
how much there are mechanisms out there to deal with this, if people are ignorant, then the
challenge continues. The second solution would be for buyers to ensure that they buy machines
that have met industry security standards and so, they must check for models that have two key
certifications which are, ISO 15408 Level 3 and IEEE-2600-2008 certification (International
Commissioner's Office, n.d). Finally, once a person or company feels that they want to get rid of
a printer, then the company should destroy the hard drive completely or have the distributor
scrub the drive through a correct process.
Some of the very crucial documents and information that have been found to be out there
are individual’s medical records and criminal records as aforementioned. However, companies
are not aware that somewhere out there, someone could be having the companys financial
statements that have been copied (CBS, 2010). Such statements can be used by malicious

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Running head: CRIME AND LOSS PREVENTION Crime and Loss Prevention Institution Name Date 1 CRIME AND LOSS PREVENTION 2 Insecurity in Photocopiers The copiers as presented in the video are full of information and as such the ramifications of the information being stored in them are very adverse. For instance, the hard drives that have been selected in the video have been found to contain documents on criminal records and medical records and as such, this information may be taken by people with ill intentions and may be used to either destroy the person’s character or put the individual at risk of one thing or the other (SANS Institute, 2007). Therefore, this storage of information on the printer’s hard disk is a security risk. In order, therefore, to protect oneself or a company from these risks, the first thing that needs to be done it that the companies that are developing these machines ought to educate the public effectively so that they are aware. Awareness is the backbone of the solution because no matter how much there are mechanisms out there to deal with this, if people are ignorant, then the challenge continues. The second solution would be for buyers to ensure that they buy machines that have met industry security standards and so, they must check for models that have two key certifications which are, ISO 15408 Level 3 and IEEE-2600-2008 certification (International Commissioner's Office, n.d). Finally, once a person or company feels that they want to get r ...
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