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Advanced Meeting Planning

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Advanced Meeting Planning
Scenario 1
The budget is $150,000.
I take my profit margin to be $30,000.00 since mine is my enterprise is certified and well known
to offer efficient services.
Fixed Costs
Entertainment systems $5000 (dj fee included)
Balloons and decoration ribbons $850
Other $1500
event cake = $500
Serving tables, dishes, tents, mats and fun making gear. = 40,000
steam and drugs $10000
Variable costs:
The food which will include a main course of chicken and rice for 350 adults
This will be 350 X $100 = 35,000
Blue Diamond almonds juice $5 x 350 = 1,750
CAPE MENTELLE wine 60 x 350 = 21000
Plates, napkins, napkins, plastic glasses, drip less candles, ice, flowers $40 x 350 = 14000
Fruits and salads 60 x 350 = 21000
Miscellaneous 5000

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Total costs = $143,000.00
Scenario 2: company 15
anniversary celebration party
The budget is $120,000.
I take my profit margin to be $20,000.00
Fixed Costs
Since this will be held in a large airport harger, the fixed costs are relatively low
rental fee for the hall 20,000
Other $1000
event cake = $6,000
Variable costs:
The food which will include a simple course of chicken and rice for 600 adults
This will be 600 X $50 = 30,000
Delmonte fruit juice $2 x 600 = 1200
Plates, napkins, napkins, plastic glasses, flowers $20 x 600 = 12000
Fruits and salads 30 x 600 = 18000
Miscellaneous 5000
Total costs = $93,200.00

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Advanced Meeting Planning Scenario 1 The budget is $150,000. I take my profit margin to be $30,000.00 since mine is my enterprise is certified and well known to offer efficient services. Fixed Costs • Entertainment systems $5000 (dj fee included) • Balloons and decoration ribbons $850 • Other $1500 • event cake = $500 • Serving tables, dishes, tents, mats and fun making gear. = 40,000 • steam and drugs $10000 Variable costs: The food which will include a main course of chicken and rice for 350 adults This will be 350 X $100 = 35,000 Blue Diamond almonds juice $5 x 350 = 1,750 CAPE MENTELLE wine 60 x 350 = 21000 Plates, napkins, napkins, plastic glasses, drip less candles, ice, flowers $40 x 350 = 14000 Fruits and salads 60 x 350 = 21000 Miscellaneous 5000 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– T ...
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