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Equal Pay Act Of 1963 Discussion

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Business Law
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Equal Pay Act of 1963
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a law that was created for both genders to be paid an equal
wage. John F. Kennedy was the one who established it for the New Frontier Project he created
(Wikipedia, 2017). The law was established on June 10, 1963. Before this act took place, women
were not treated equally where wages were concerned. They were not thought of as deserving or
equal to men in the workforce.
There are stipulations to this law where the jobs should be equal, but not identical. The only
thing that determines if two jobs are equal is, if the contents of the positions are equal.
Equableness in skill is based on job requirements. If more effort is needed for a jobs position,
compared to one similar, being paid more would be acceptable due to the increase in work
In one case, Wendie Dreves vs. Hudson Group Retail, LLC, Dreves made an accusation
against the company pertaining to discrimination. Dreves had a male replacement who was paid
a higher wage, and she accused them of gender discrimination. They claimed they did it
unintentionally, and as a negotiation, the new replacement had made to relocate his family. The
judge eventually agreed that it was not justified for his expenses. She ended up having to settle
out of court. In another case, Ledbetter, a female employee for Goodyear Tires, claimed she was
denied deserving raises, and given unfair evaluations by male supervisors. She proceeded to trial,
and she won for backpay and wages.

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Equal Pay Act of 1963 The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a law that was created for both genders to be paid an equal wage. John F. Kennedy was the one who established it for the New Frontier Project he created (Wikipedia, 2017). The law was established on June 10, 1963. Before this act took place, women were not treated equally where wages were concerned. They were not thought of as deserving or equal to men in the workforce. There are stipulations to this law where the jobs should be equal, but not identical. The only thing that determines if two jobs are equal is, if the contents of the positions ...
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