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What Is Target Fixation Discussion

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What is Target Fixation?
There are two meanings for target fixation, one being physical and the other, psychological.
The physical one is the focusing on a single object, so intensely that while moving towards it,
there is a possibility of a collision between the person and the object, or something else. When
and where it is observed is in dangerous situations, most of the time. While someone is
responsible for any mode of transportation, such as a bike, car, or motorcycle, is when this
phenomenon occurs. What happens is that the driver veers off into the direction of the object,
usually unknowingly. That is what makes it so dangerous, due to the area one might be in, such
as a two-sided road, or driving on a road with a drop off or ditch.
On a psychological side, being trapped in this fixation can sometimes lead to unwanted
results, an opportunity being lost, a waste of valuable time, or a deterrent from a goal. This can
be a problem in someone’s life. People have a habit of jumping to conclusions, but lack a full
understanding to the initial problem. This is not a good idea, because without understanding,
there is the possibility of developing the wrong answer. People who are considered experts on a
topic, they study the core issue before even attempting to develop an answer. This is considered
jumping to a conclusion.
Target fixation is a psychological phenomenon. People usually jump to the conclusion that is
the easiest to complete. There is a tendency to avoid any type of work getting to the final answer.
One example was about a locked door. The easiest way in ones mind is to use a key to unlock it.
Simple, only one step. Say there was not a key available, steps would have to be taken to locate
one, and it would involve stepping away from the answer. The steps could be having to go from
one’s office, and locating the key, plus the transportation steps both ways that would be

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What is Target Fixation? There are two meanings for target fixation, one being physical and the other, psychological. The physical one is the focusing on a single object, so intensely that while moving towards it, there is a possibility of a collision between the person and the object, or something else. When and where it is observed is in dangerous situations, most of the time. While someone is responsible for any mode of transportation, such as a bike, car, or motorcycle, is when this phenomenon occurs. What happens is that the driver veers off into the direction of the object, usually unkno ...
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