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International Business Strategy Simulated Project

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International Business Strategy Simulated Project
International business strategy means international business expansion and commercial
international expansion strategy. Global marketing has become a fundamental approach for
businesses in the worldwide market where foreign commerce is a common concern and that
advancing business farther from the local market is the next reasonable stride for leading
companies in modern business for success and survival (Buckley and Pervez).
The expeditious improvement in communication technology, transmission of information
and more internalized financial markets have set the stage for global commerce to aim more than
in the previous years. It is possible because there is a creation of more trade opportunities and
new markets are becoming more accessible (Czinkota et al). All of a sudden, global business
expansion is an essential knowledge and skill for an organization to have. With the accelerated
growth of information and communication technology and the distance does not exist anymore.
The commercial expansion also comes hand in hand with a unique set of problems, such as
manufacturing, supply chain sourcing, building customer base, and market-entry strategies.
Considerations in human resource, tax, and the layers of finance have become more comfortable.
Peru Mining Machine
Mining is the most successful business in Peru; the minerals exported are zinc, silver,
iron, gold, lead, and tin. The country’s mining industry accounted for more than fifty percent of

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the total export revenues. Peru was the second-largest and progressive producer of gold and
silver after Mexico, the third-largest producer of zinc after Australia and China, and fourth
producer of the fourth-producer of lead right after China, United States, and Australia. Peru’s
zinc productivity represented more than ten percent of world concentrate production, more than
sixty percent of Latin America’s intensify and almost thirty percent of refined zinc. Other
preeminent industries were cement, metal fabrication, and steel (Bentancor).
Peru has been known for its wealth concerning of its minerals, some of which have been
mined more than three hundred years. Via the use of modernized mining equipment and
technique, broad promising diverse marketable metals were continually becoming accessible
from earlier inaccessible areas. The government of Peru does not have exclusive management
over exploration, mining, smelting, and refining of fuel minerals and metals. However, in
principle, all the geothermal and mineral resources belong to the government. The government
acts as a promoter, regulator, and supervisor.
Peru is an adorable destination for mining business, an encouraging legal framework,
which is readily available geological and cadastral data and a strong economy have galvanized
foreign investments from different parts of the world such as China, Brazil, and the United
States. Investments in the mining sector have developed aggressively since the year 1992,
reaching a record high of more than USD 9.0 billion in 2013.
This research is an investigation to look for consistent data on the topic. The primary
objective of carrying out research is to determine answers by employing applications of scientific
processes. This study ensures to be rigorous, and procedures used are relevant, appropriate,

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Surname 1 Name Professor’s name Course Date International Business Strategy Simulated Project International business strategy means international business expansion and commercial international expansion strategy. Global marketing has become a fundamental approach for businesses in the worldwide market where foreign commerce is a common concern and that advancing business farther from the local market is the next reasonable stride for leading companies in modern business for success and survival (Buckley and Pervez). The expeditious improvement in communication technology, transmission of information and more internalized financial markets have set the stage for global commerce to aim more than in the previous years. It is possible because there is a creation of more trade opportunities and new markets are becoming more accessible (Czinkota et al). All of a sudden, global business expansion is an essential knowledge and skill for an organization to have. With the accelerated growth of information and communication technology and the distance does not exist anymore. The commercial expansion also comes hand in hand with a unique set of problems, such as manufacturing, supply chain sourcing, building customer base, and market-entry strategies. Considerations in human resource, tax, and the layers of finance have become more comfortable. Peru Mining Machine Mining is the most successful business in Peru; the minerals exported are zinc, silver, iron, gold, lead, and tin. The cou ...
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