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What Is The Societal Marketing Concept

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The societal marketing is a promotional process in which a business venture first investigates
the fundamental interests of its speculated targeted customers and consumers and then strives to
make available product and commodities much more efficiently and effectively than its
immediate competitors, this is for the ultimate benefit of its customers and the surrounding
society’s welfare. This concept hopes to keep a balance between the generation of profits and the
satisfaction of the customer’s desires. This concept ultimately puts human beings welfare before
the profits.
This concept mainly puts a lot of emphasis on improving social responsibilities, and always
considering the consumer wants and needs, business requirements as well as the society’s short
and long-term interests. The main objectives of societal marketing are to maintain a good, cordial
relationship with the customers, establish a very good image of the business to the community
and the society at large than its competitors. Another objective is to increase the customer base
and the business’s market share, to undertake social responsibilities.
By carrying out social responsibilities in the society the small business will be able to build
its image to the community at large. This will give the business a competitive advantage over its
immediate competitors. The general sales of the business will subsequently improve as a result
of its risen competitive advantage.

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Creating a better image by the business to the society will ensure that customer retention and
successful customer retention and both short and long term relationships are built by the
business. The resources in the business will also be appropriately used by the business. The
societal marketing concept ultimately helps in the maximization of the business total profits. It
ensures that an upcoming business is able to develop and grow together with the immediate
The small business will achieve this by providing products which are: pleasing, salutary as
well as products that are desirable. By providing such products the business will not only focus
on selling its commodities but also focusing on the consumer as well as the immediate society
and its well-being.

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Surname 1 Name Tutor Course Date The societal marketing is a promotional process in which a business venture first investigates the fundamental interests of its speculated targeted customers and consumers and then strives to make available product and commodities much more efficiently and effectively than its immediate competitors, this is for the ultimate benefit of its customers and the surrounding society’s welfare. This concept hopes to keep a balance between the generation of profits and the satisfaction of the customer’s desires. This concept ultimately puts human beings welfare before the profits. This concept mainly puts a lot of emphasis on improving social responsibilities, and always considering the consumer wants and needs, business requirements as well as the society’s short and long-term interests. The main objectives of societal marketing are to maintain a good, cord ...
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