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Nursing Theory

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Running head: Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure Process in Nursing Theory 1
Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure process in Nursing Theory
Students Name
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Running head: Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure Process in Nursing Theory 2
Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure process in Nursing Theory
Nursing research and practice is only successfully conducted when there is an outlined
model. Thus, it is inconsistent to think that any nursing research can be conducted without
following a well raid framework. Human beings, environment, health and Nursing are the
concepts highlighted in the Roy’s model which many in nursing field agree should be considered
the basic nursing concepts (Masters, 2015). The aim of this paper is to offer an elaboration on
three steps using conceptual model as the best framework to guide in any nursing process. In
order for the model to be effective in nursing practice, the nurse will need to follow the following
stipulated steps.
First step is to understand the building blocks of conceptual model then keenly read and
grasp the guidelines of research and practice respectively. The contents of conceptual model are
abstract, general statement and concepts. The adaptation model of nursing is a theory which
gives nursing description as a service to serve humanity. When people offer positive response to
the environmental modifications, adaptation process takes place. In this theory the components
of the abstract are the management process, stimuli of the environment and the modes of
Contextual stimuli
Focal stimuli
Residual stimuli
Stabilizer and
Regulator and
Modes of adaptation
Group identity
Role function

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Running head: Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure Process in Nursing Theory Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure process in Nursing Theory Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 Running head: Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure Process in Nursing Theory 2 Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure process in Nursing Theory Nursing research and practice is only successfully conducted when there is an outlined model. Thus, it is inconsistent to think that any nursing research can be conducted without following a well raid framework. Human beings, environment, health and Nursing are the concepts highlighted in the Roy’s model which many in nursing field agree should be considered the basic nursing concepts (Masters, 2015). The aim of this paper is to offer an elaboration on three steps using conceptual model as the best framework to guide in any nursing process. In order for the model to be effective in nursing practice, the nurse will need to follow the following stipulated steps. First step is to understand the building blocks of conceptual model then keenly read and grasp the guidelines of research and practice respectively. The contents of conceptual model are abstract, general statement and concepts. The adaptation model of nursing is a theory which gives nursing description as a service to serve humanity. When people offer positive response to the environmental modifications, adaptation process takes place. In this theory the components of ...
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