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Running head: MANAGEMENT 1
Institution Affiliation

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Part 1
Quality management in health care oversees that all activities and tasks are performed in
the expected level of excellence. When the created policies are implemented, there is an
assurance that the managing aspect would improve (Davies et al., 2000). The overall control in
health care organizations also improves due to proper planning. It aims at providing effective
services so that patients can receive good treatment and they are satisfied. Quality management
cuts across all the entities in a healthcare organization including the customer care sector,
outpatients and inpatient sector, laboratory, and pharmacy.
The evolution of quality improvement movement began in the Hippocrates School of
Medicine. It changed the perception of how people viewed illnesses. Hippocrates was a great
Greek physician, the father of early medicine who contributed a lot in the field of medicine.
There have been several changes in relation to how medicine was practiced then. Practitioners
now use the evidence-based medicine culture in pharmacology, biochemistry, medical and
information technology (Fallon, Begun & Riley, 2012). This has enabled them to deliver quality
health care to every individual without being driven by social factors such as cost control.
However, the risks in the ongoing evolution are that patient focus is being neglected. Instead,
they are focusing on therapeutics and diagnostics. The priority for healthcare practitioners has
been emphasized so that they can prevent unnecessary repercussions such as deaths that have
been caused by medical errors.
The implications of public health to implement national quality initiatives have been
taken into account. This has ensured that the goals for all the health professionals' aim at offering
services that benefit the society. Quality initiatives such as the use of Health Care Effectiveness

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1 Running head: MANAGEMENT Management Institution Affiliation Date MANAGEMENT 2 Part 1 Quality management in health care oversees that all activities and tasks are performed in the expected level of excellence. When the created policies are implemented, there is an assurance that the managing aspect would improve (Davies et al., 2000). The overall control in health care organizations also improves due to proper planning. It aims at providing effective services so that patients can receive good treatment and they are satisfied. Quality management cuts across all the entities in a healthcare organization including the customer care sector, outpatients and inpatient sector, laboratory, and pharmacy. The evolution of quality improvement movement began in the Hippocrates School of Medicine. It changed the perception of how people viewed illnesses. Hippocrates was a great Greek physician, the father of early medicine who contributed a lot in the field of medicine. There have been several changes in relation to how medicine was practiced then. Practitioners now use the evidence-based medicine culture in pharmacology, biochemistry, medical and information technology (Fallon, Begun & Riley, 2012). This has enabled them to deliver quality health care to every individual without being driven by social factors such as cost control. However, the risks in the ongoing evolution are that patient focus is being neglected. Instead, they are focusing on therapeutics and diagnostics. The p ...
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