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Deriving and Presenting Descriptive Statistics

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Deriving and Presenting Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are regarded as numbers or coefficients used to describe a given set
of data (Rumsey, 2017). Descriptive statistics are often used to provide an overview of the
description of a particular data set so that a basis upon which the statistical analysis of the given
data set can be conducted so that conclusions and informed decisions can be made from the data
(Rumsey, 2017). This case provides a discussion of three descriptive or most significant home
parameters to give a couple which happens to be considering to purchase a retirement home in
Boca Raton so that they can be able to understand the Boca Raton market. The three parameters
selected for this task includes the mean distance of travel from households to the shopping centers,
the mode space of the areas and the median price of houses in the Boca Raton area.
The mean distance of travel from households to the shopping centers should be one of the
most significant descriptive statistics parameters to consider in this case. This parameter will help
the couple to decide whether the shopping center in Boca Raton is located at a convenient and safe
place (Mastroeni, 2014). This will also enable the couple to establish a system which they can use
to purchase any commodities needed in time so that they can avoid any inconveniences that may
occur when in need of various commodities from the market.
The mode space of the areas in which houses in Boca Raton are located is another
significant descriptive statistics parameter to consider (Mastroeni, 2014). This will enable the
couple to be able to know the size of know the amount of space they are likely to find available
when looking for a house to purchase (Rumsey, 2017). This is because the mode will present a set
of space areas which occur most often in the area which the house will be located.
Lastly, the median price of houses in the Boca Raton area should also be a parameter to
consider. The median can help to provide an idea regarding the range of the amount of money that

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Running head: DERIVING AND PRESENTING DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Deriving and Presenting Descriptive Statistics Name Institution Date 1 DERIVING AND PRESENTING DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 2 Deriving and Presenting Descriptive Statistics Descriptive statistics are regarded as numbers or coefficients used to describe a given set of data (Rumsey, 2017). Descriptive statistics are often used to provide an overview of the description of a particular data set so that a basis upon which the statistical analysis of the given data set can be conducted so that conclusions and informed decisions can be made from the data (Rumsey, 2017). This case provides a discussion of three descriptive or most significant home parameters to give a couple which happens to be considering to purchase a retirement home in Boca Raton so that they can be able to understand the Boca Raton market. The three parameters selected for this task includes the mean distance of travel from households to the shopping centers, the mode space of the areas and the median price of houses in the Boca Raton area. The mean distance of travel from households to the shopping centers should be one of the most significant descriptive st ...
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