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Uk Gateway Protection Programme Final Paper

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UK Gateway Protection Programme

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UK Gateway Protection Programme
The Gateway Protection Programme (GPP) is a refugee resettlement program established
in March 2004 in the United Kingdom. It was founded by the UK Border Agency and the
European Refugee Fund (Altinay, 2011). The scheme partnered with the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees and is operated by UK Visas and Immigration.
During its initial stages it quota allowed up to 500 refugees to resettle in the UK. Efforts
by David Blunkett to increase the quota to 1000 during the second year proceeded slowly due to
the reluctance of the local councils in supporting the GPP (Altinay, 2011). During the 2008/2009
financial year, the quota was increased to accommodate 750 refugees annually.
The main purpose of GPP is to resettle refugees in the United Kingdom. It offers up to
750 vulnerable refugees a legal route to settle in the UK annually. According to Refugee
Council, refugees seeking resettlement in the UK send their application through the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees who then refer them to the GPP. Once the applications
are verified, it provides the refugees a 12 month of social assistance and crucial materials to
enable them to settle in UK (Refugee Council, n.d). Community development team and
volunteers offer support services to the refugees ranging from orientation on arrival, housing
support, employment, access better health services and education among other basic services.
Since it foundation the program has supported and resettled vulnerable refugees from
several countries such Liberia, Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan among other countries in UK and
has been providing them with the humanitarian aid and basic services such as education, basic
needs and good health care (Refugee Council, n.d). This helps the refugees to start over again
and live a better life in future. It has also helped the refugees to get housing and employment

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Running Head: UK GATEWAY PROTECTION PROGRAMME UK Gateway Protection Programme Name: Institution: 1 UK GATEWAY PROTECTION PROGRAMME 2 UK Gateway Protection Programme The Gateway Protection Programme (GPP) is a refugee resettlement program established in March 2004 in the United Kingdom. It was founded by the UK Border Agency and the European Refugee Fund (Altinay, 2011). The scheme partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and is operated by UK Visas and Immigration. During its initial stages it quota allowed up to 500 refugees to resettle in the UK. Efforts by David Blunkett to increase the quota to 1000 during the second year proceeded slowly due to the reluctance of the local councils in supporting the GPP (Altinay, 2011). During the 2008/2009 financial year, the quota was increased to accommodate 750 refugees annually. The main purpose of GPP is to resettle refugees in the United Kingdom. It offers up to 750 vulnerable refugees a legal route to settle in the UK annually. According to Refugee Council, refugees seeking resettlement in the UK send their application through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees who then refer them to the GPP. ...
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