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Effective Administration

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Effective Administration
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Changes that are needed to develop effective administration and clinical outcome
The chief operating officer is expected to the adder to the policies and regulations that are put in
place by the clinic, as the person in top management, he is expected to formulate the strategies
that are to be followed and this will include but not limited to the following:
Provision of resources
For any department in the organization to operate within its timeline and meeting the expected
organizational goals, the employees must be provided with the right tools to operate with. This
will see the employee’s full exploitation of his potential and thus meet the clinical full expected
outcome and provision of service to clients (Carnwell et. al., 2009).
Clearly explain the expectation
When the firm is seeking to hire services from any professional person, he should be able to
clearly give a work expectation. This will go a long way in work toward provision of a better
outcome having in mind what their job description is.
Reinforcing appropriate behavior amongst all the staff
This helps the clinic and patients outcome in that every employee knows the code of conducts
and ethics that are in place thus work according to it this way and intern improvements are
highly maintained (Allison et. al., 2011).
Formulate a specific organizational goal.
Whenever the top management gives a specific goal of the organization then all the employees
will remain on the same page. This ensures that the expectations are easily met and bring about a
reduction in confusion in the eyes of the clients on what exactly the firm provides (Gottfried et.
al., 2016). Having a specific goal helps the organization staff to gauge them and know if they
will be able to meet certain goals thus giving a clear future indication on their achievements.

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Running head: EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION Effective Administration Course title Name of student Date 1 EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION 2 Changes that are needed to develop effective administration and clinical outcome The chief operating officer is expected to the adder to the policies and regulations that are put in place by the clinic, as the person in top management, he is expected to formulate the strategies that are to be followed and this will include but not limited to the following: Provision of resources For any department in the organization to operate within its timeline and meeting the expected organizational goals, the employees must be provided with the right tools to operate with. This will see the employee’s full exploitation of his potential and thus meet the clinical full expected outcome and provision of service to clients (Carnwell et. al., 2009). Clearly explain the expectation When the firm is seeking to hire services from any professional person, he should be able to clearly give a work expectation. This will go a long way in work toward provision of a better outcome having in mind what their job description is. Reinforcing appropriate behavior amongst all the ...
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