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Hamdan Alshamsi
Pearson Bolt
ENC 1102-020
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN):
At this time, nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons in the world. According to
a report from Telegraph, there are 14,900 estimated nuclear weapons in the world. Telegraph
research further showed that only the nuclear weapons of the United States and Russia have the
power equating to 6,600 megatons. This is the tenth part of the power that earth daily receives
from the Sun (Kirk). If this is just the power of two countries’ nuclear weapons, just imagine
how powerful will be the combined power of all 14,900 nukes will be. On this issue, the world is
divided into two stakeholders, first are the organizations that support the idea of expanding
nuclear power because according to them it would be safer for every country to own nuclear
weapons because then no one will attack another one with the fear of Mutual Assured
Destruction. Indian government supported this stance when they were justifying their nuclear
experiments “If a mutual minimum nuclear deterrence is in place, it will act as a stabilizing
factor… Possession of nuclear weapons would give Pakistan the confidence to face a larger
neighbor with security and honorsThis confidence on the part of Pakistan is to be welcomed

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as it is a positive asset for national sobriety and regional stability(Sunderji, 176). On the other
side of the picture, some nuclear pessimists oppose the idea of nuclear proliferation. An
organization like The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is prominent
in nuclear pessimist group.
According to official campaign overview, The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-government organizations in one hundred countries
advocating for a reliable and efficient nuclear weapon ban treaty. To achieve their goal, ICAN is
using various techniques of visual arguments. These visible cases range from the logo of ICAN
to the images drawn from the rallies conducted by ICAN at different places. The strategy of
ICAN is bearing fruit because their models have string rhetorical appeal and the strong message
for the people. Their visuals arguments are contributing to the cause of ICAN effectively. Let's
take a look at two visuals obtained from the official sources of ICAN. Image no. 1 is the official
logo of ICAN. This logo itself is the message. It has an appropriate color scheme, proper use of
icons, and proper deliverance of message in a single picture.
Image # 1

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AL-SHAMSI 1 Hamdan Alshamsi Pearson Bolt ENC 1102-020 10-08-2017 The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN): At this time, nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons in the world. According to a report from Telegraph, there are 14,900 estimated nuclear weapons in the world. Telegraph research further showed that only the nuclear weapons of the United States and Russia have the power equating to 6,600 megatons. This is the tenth part of the power that earth daily receives from the Sun (Kirk). If this is just the power of two countries’ nuclear weapons, just imagine how powerful will be the combined power of all 14,900 nukes will be. On this issue, the world is divided into two stakeholders, first are the organizations that support the idea of expanding nuclear power because according to them it would be safer for every country to own nuclear weapons because then no one will attack another one with the fear of Mutual Assured Destruction. Indian government supported this stance when they were justifying their nuclear experiments “If a mutual minimum nuclear deterrence is in place, it will act as a stabilizing factor… Possession of nuclear weapons would give Pakistan the confidence to face a larger neighbor with security and honors… This confidence on the part of Pakistan is to be welcomed AL-SHAMSI 2 as it is a positive asset for national sobriety and regional stability” (Sunderji, 176). On the other side of the picture, some nuclear pessimist ...
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