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Public Policy Solutions

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The healthcare structure faces major challenges that point out evidently the imperative
need for change. Many citizens happen to be uninsured and undivided attention should be given
to them. To facilitate transition then the government, citizens, and the health care system should
hold hands to see progress generally when matters of importance arise. In this paper, various
health issues are discussed and thereafter public policy solutions are given to counter the
The first outstanding issue is insurance coverage among citizens. Very few citizens have
health insurance which makes it expensive for them to get adequate and fair, regarding cost,
health care. Insurance covers make it possible for the health facilities to attend to the care of
citizens without much of financial processes being involved. To counter the issue, the
government should be lenient on the insurance organizations lending out the health insurance
covers to promote many companies to open up organizations that will attend to its customers.
Citizens should also take up the initiative and take health covers which will help them have
access to health care at a lower price. The healthcare industry should sensitize people on the need
to take up covers through campaigns and also word of mouth whenever they are attending to the
citizens (Bodenheimer & Pham, 2010).
Another issue is the overgrowing level of chronic diseases; Arthritis, diabetes, and
cancer. The rate at which people are suffering from the diseases is clear enough that a lot needs
to be done from all the parties concerned. When death rate goes up because of the diseases, then
it should ring a bell that the issue is a matter that needs rapid addressing to avoid loss of life and
also the government losing funds to preventable illnesses. The healthcare system should educate

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Running Head: PUBLIC POLICY SOLUTIONS PUBLIC POLICY SOLUTIONS Student Name: Institution Affiliation: 1 PUBLIC POLICY SOLUTIONS 2 PUBLIC POLICY SOLUTIONS The healthcare structure faces major challenges that point out evidently the imperative need for change. Many citizens happen to be uninsured and undivided attention should be given to them. To facilitate transition then the government, citizens, and the health care system should hold hands to see progress generally when matters of importance arise. In this paper, various health issues are discussed and thereafter public policy solutions are given to counter the problems. The first outstanding issue is insurance coverage among citizens. Very few citizens have health insurance which makes it expensive for them to get adequate and fair, regarding cost, health care. Insurance covers make it possible for the health facilities to attend to the care of citizens without much of financial processes being involved. To counter the issue, the government should be lenient on the insurance organizations lending out the health insurance covers to promote many companies to open up organizations that will attend to its customers. Citizens sh ...
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