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Performance Based Logistics

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Colorado Technical University
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Performance-Based Logistics

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Performance-Based Logistics
Performance-based logistics is a set of strategy used for cost-effective control system
support. The product support manager identifies and works on the product support integration
rather than contracting for the acquisition of goods and services. This is done to deliver better
performance outcomes for a product or a system. The integrator is always committed to the
performance level at a much lower cost or either an increased performance at costs with the same
as those achieved under a transactional portfolio of a product support match for goods and
services. The most convenient measure of supporting the control system is to deliver a service or
a product as an integrated and an affordable package that will be designed to optimize the system
Holistically, performance-based logistics can yield numerous benefits if applied in the
correct manner. Product support managers are supposed to create performance support strategies
so as to increase system availability and on the other hand, this will reduce the cost and the
logistics footprint. Performance-based logistics is also a tool that can be used to meet the
performance goals for a weapon system using the support structure.PBL can also be used to
shape certain behaviors and trends across the market especially on cost-related issues.
In addition, PBL is important in that, its strategies do not suggest that work should be
fixed to commercial contractors but rather focuses on integrating the best and suitable facets of
both the private and the public sectors and thus becoming a firm pillar of the support strategy. In
addition, the product managers are able to implement the sustainable strategies that ensure proper
use of the abilities of the private and public sectors. This is done through the partnering
initiatives between the government and the prospect industries. Lastly, using the PBL strategy

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Running head: PERFORMANCE-BASED LOGISTICS Performance-Based Logistics Name: Institution: 1 PERFORMANCE-BASED LOGISTICS 2 Performance-Based Logistics Performance-based logistics is a set of strategy used for cost-effective control system support. The product support manager identifies and works on the product support integration rather than contracting for the acquisition of goods and services. This is done to deliver better performance outcomes for a product or a system. The integrator is always committed to the performance level at a much lower cost or either an increased performance at costs with the same as those achieved under a transactional portfolio of a product support match for goods and services. The most convenient measure of supporting the control system is to deliver a service or a product as an integrated and an affordable package that will be designed to optimize the system inclination. Holistically, performance-based logistics can yield numerous benefits if applied in the correct manner. Product support managers are supposed to create performance support strategies so as to increase system availability and on the other hand, this will reduce the cost and the l ...
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