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Bellevue University
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Atheism, Theism, and Agnosticism
Atheism is lack of belief on God or gods unlike theism who believe that there is an
existence of gods or one gods who is in charge of all creations. While, agnosticism is more of a
doctrine than a religion that is formed on the basis of absence of knowledge on whether there is an
existence of god or a supernatural. In this paper we will be making short defenses on atheism,
theism and agnosticism as well as identifying the most plausible and describe why that’s the case.
It is important to understand that atheism does not reject the existence of gods nor is it a
disbelief of gods but it’s a lack of belief on god. Unlike what many people think, atheism is not
actually a religion. The lack of belief on god means that atheism is a rational form of thinking that
does not require justification from any supernatural being. Atheism lack explanations of how
everything came into existence but they do not have the burden of proof unlike theism.
Theism is a belief of the existence of a god or gods and its split into two, monotheism and
polytheism. Theism might sound irrational but at least it has a foundation in books and scrolls that
date back centuries ago, that could be used to make factual defenses in support of their god
(Mitchell,2014). Theism explains the existence of man and everything under the sun and it also
has rules that regulate behaviors which is also consistent to a normal societal setting.
Agnosticism on the other hand, states that human beings do not have the capacity to justify
the existence or nonexistence of god. This thinking might be the most rational among the three
since there is no direct evidence showing that there is a god or gods that created everything on
earth including human beings. Scientists and religious leaders have all failed to come up with
detailed explanation on the existence of god thus, demonstrating the notion that god is unknown
or unknowable is close to truth.
The most plausible among the three is the agnosticism which directly links available
knowledge to belief. Since there is lack of adequate and justifiable information to prove that there
is a god then his/her existence may be beyond human reason. This means that as human beings we
lack the capacity to provide rational grounds that god exists.
In conclusion, people have the liberty to practice atheism, theism or even believe in the
agnosticism doctrine. Theism has proven to be the most influential belief globally since as human
beings we feel the need to have faith in a holy something or someone with the capacity to rescue
us from evil and enable us to have an everlasting life.

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ATHEISM, THEISM AND AGNOSTICISM 1 Atheism, Theism, and Agnosticism Atheism is lack of belief on God or gods unlike theism who believe that there is an existence of gods or one gods who is in charge of all creations. While, agnosticism is more of a doctrine than a religion that is formed on the basis of absence of knowledge on whether there is an existence of god or a supernatural. In this paper we will be making short defenses on atheism, theism and agnosticism as well as identifying the most plausible and describe why that’s the case. It is important to understand that atheism does not re ...
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