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Culture And Organizational Change

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Culture and Organizational Change
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Culture and Organizational Change
Change is unavoidable for institutions that want to survive or grow in this competitive
world. Leaders in an organization are the agents of change, and in doing this, many factors must
be taken into consideration to overcome obstacles likely to affect the implementation of change
strategies. Organization culture develops over time, and more often people will resist accepting
the change but rather staying in their comfort zones. In managing change, three elements of
organizational culture; innovation, communication, and motivation, are addressed to avoid back
fall of the intended change as reviewed in this paper. Managers that desire to introduce
meaningful change in an organization must inspire the workforce to innovatively and creatively
think and bring new ideas on board. A culture that promotes creativity and exchange of ideas
regardless of age and position has a tool for change (Hughes, 2014). The change agents must
empower his subject towards new thinking and sharing of ideas. A wealth of abilities opens
when workers are allowed to make decisions that affect their work to a certain degree.
Creating a culture that promotes open communication is a strategy and tool leaders can
utilize in ensuring that change vision implementation. Open communications that bring hearts
together and creates a spirit to work invites all stakeholders to buy in and participate in the
change process (Jabri, 2017). Grapevines and gossip must be taken seriously and managed as
they provide pitfalls and disharmony that will deter change. Developing channels of
communication for both vertical and horizontal movement of information reduce confusion.
Motivating the workforce towards change is an approach to awaken them and creates energy to
drive the change process. It is paramount for the management to propel the people to a higher
level of involvement in the change process (Schein, 2015). Understanding intrinsic and external

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Running head: CULTURE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Culture and Organizational Change Name University Course Instructor Date of Submission 1 CULTURE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Culture and Organizational Change Change is unavoidable for institutions that want to survive or grow in this competitive world. Leaders in an organization are the agents of change, and in doing this, many factors must be taken into consideration to overcome obstacles likely to affect the implementation of change strategies. Organization culture develops over time, and more often people will resist accepting the change but rather staying in their comfort zones. In managing change, three elements of organizational culture; innovation, communication, and motivation, are addressed to avoid back fall of the intended change as reviewed in this paper. Managers that desire to introduce meaningful change in an organization must inspire the workforce to innovatively and creatively think and bring new ideas on board. A culture that promotes creativity and exchange of ideas regardless of age and position has a tool for change (Hughes, 2014). The change agents must empower his subject towards new thinking and sharing of i ...
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