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Discussion Response To Professor And Colleagues

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Discussion Response to Professor and Colleagues
Dr. G.,
Social workers can display cultural sensitivity by asking the client questions about their
culture and showing compassion towards the family’s plight. The Hernandez comes from a
unique cultural background. Even though the family is Hispanic, they have different beliefs,
attitudes, and values which should be learned by the social worker. The types of questions that
should be asked by the social worker to display cultural sensitivity include asking about their
culture, values, and family dynamics. Part of our job as social workers is to understand the
client’s world to the degree that we see their behavior for what it is(Ida, 2007, p. 49). One
question the social worker could ask is “why is that particular punishment used for children in
your culture? Or what values or customs are most important to the culture?” Social workers must
understand the clients culture in order to make connections with the client as well as to connect
the client to the right services and resources. When learning about the clients culture, it is
important to understand and respect the client’s culture or it could cause fear for the Hernandez
family that the social worker will be biased and use stereotypes to assist the family. By learning
about the culture, it will dispel any myths or biases, and allow the social worker to base their
assistance on fact. This way the client and the social worker can work together to establish goals
which will help to reduce the family’s current resistance.
Ida, D. J. (2007). Cultural competency and recovery within diverse populations. Psychiatric
Rehabilitation, 31 (1), 49-53

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Great point. Jun is driven to provide for his family. It is part of his culture to earn enough
money for his family. His concern about going to parenting classes is focused on his need to
work to support his family especially since the family is currently struggling financially. It is
important for the social worker to understand the importance of the role of the father in the
family in order to better understand the family dynamics. Their financial situation is another
consideration for the social worker. Parenting classes are cutting into their ability to support and
care for the family. The social workers role for this family challenge is to connect the client to
financial services which will help them to learn how to better manage their money so Juan would
be able to work less and the family would not have to continuously struggle. Juan is currently
working long hours and spend very little time with the family. It is important for Juan to be the
breadwinner but he also needs to have time to spend with his wife and children to support the
development of a strong family bond. The Hernandez family has several issues needing to be
addressed but in order to identify effective solutions, the social worker must learn about the
family and the culture. Hispanic Americans face immigration and migration concerns; discusses
how to assess for levels of acculturation; examines cultural values; and highlights salient work
issues and health disparities that Latinos experience (Furman et al., 2009). Other considerations
social workers might need to consider when supporting the Hernandez family is understand their
levels of acculturation to the American culture and any potential language barriers.
Furman, R. et al. (2009). Social Work Practice with Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers.
Social Work, 54(2), 167174.

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Discussion Response to Professor and Colleagues Dr. G., Social workers can display cultural sensitivity by asking the client questions about their culture and showing compassion towards the family’s plight. The Hernandez comes from a unique cultural background. Even though the family is Hispanic, they have different beliefs, attitudes, and values which should be learned by the social worker. The types of questions that should be asked by the social worker to display cultural sensitivity include asking about their culture, values, and family dynamics. “Part of our job as social workers is to understand the client’s world to the degree that we see their behavior for what it is” (Ida, 2007, p. 49). One question the social worker could ask is “why is that particular punishment used for children in your culture? Or what values or customs are most important to the culture?” Social ...
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