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Running head: LOGICAL FALLACY 1
Logical Fallacy
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Logical Fallacy
Question one
Fallacies are the standard errors that are committed in reasoning which undermines the
relevance of logic to a given argument. They can either consist of irrelevant or the illegitimate
points that one can identify because such phrases lack enough evidence in supporting the claim.
Further, these fallacies can be wholly intentional, and more often individuals use them during the
debates for presentation or arguments for misleading the action, thinking or behaving in a given
way (Cooper & Patton, 2015). The favorite fallacy from the book state that the nonsmokers have
been given the right of telling the smokers not to pollute the air, as well the car owners have been
notified not to drive by the individuals who are not having cars.
Question two
Fallacies always can either make the statements or arguments to be wrong. However, in
reality in it is a vital part of logic that can immediately enrich individual’s life. That is because it
assists in developing the skills and vocabulary required in evaluating arguments of either
politician, advertisers among others. The fallacy above is my favorite because in several ways.
One of them is that it is sarcastic arguing that even though nonsmokers have the right to express
their concern that the smokers not to pollute the air, the corresponding car owners as well should
do the same, but instead it says the opposite that they should not drive (Cooper & Patton, 2015).
Further, the fallacy seems persuasive even though it does not support the conclusion of the logic.
That is because it uses humor in nature by making the situation unanswerable in the context of the

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Running head: LOGICAL FALLACY 1 Logical Fallacy Name Institution Affiliation LOGICAL FALLACY 2 Logical Fallacy Question one Fallacies are the standard errors that are committed in reasoning which undermines the relevance of logic to a given argument. They can either consist of irrelevant or the illegitimate points that one can identify because such phrases lack enough evidence in supporting the claim. Further, these fallacies can be wholly intentional, and more often individuals use them during the debates for presentation or arguments for misleading the action, thinking or behaving in a given way (Cooper & Patton, 2015). The favorite fallacy from the book state that the nonsmokers have been given the right of telling the smokers not to pollute the air, as well the car owners have been notified not to drive by the individuals who are not having cars. Question two Fallacies always c ...
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