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System Recommendation

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System Recommendation
Benefits of an Enterprise Solution
An enterprise system solution is an integrated application software packages that support
information flows, data analytics, business processes, and reporting in compound organizations.
While enterprise system solutions are homogenously packaged, enterprise application software
can also be personalized. Customized systems are developed to support a specific organization's
requirements. These systems are used as a principal command center to help systematize the
business and make decision making and reporting efficient.
Enterprise system solution would help CIC to improve the customer experience by
having data stored in a way that can be easily analyzed and quickly retrieved in order to answer
customers’ questions. Secondly, Enterprise system provides better employee engagement across
different functional operational areas. Making changing employment assignments less costly and
disrupting. ES will also seed up the recruitment process by improving the communication and
storage of employees information for future references.
Proposed IT Solution

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While many Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) HR systems are available, Bamboo HR, Zoho
people, HR one, Employwise, and Zoho recruit are SaaS HR systems which will be efficient for
CIC. All these software are a comprehensive package for HR solutions. Having a cloud
connectivity makes it more reliable (Davenport).
How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements
All the above named software provide for employer verifications, application processing,
and employee benefit management. All these features are in synchrony with the requirement of
CIC. The above-mentioned software fulfills all the requirements mentioned earlier. In addition,
they provide access to the authorities as per their designations, making it a good approach for the
installation of enterprise system solution.
Implementation Steps
An ESS needs to be very critically examined before installation because it costs both time
and money in the process (Verville).
1) Since the organization can know the exact equipment only after using the system
therefore the application agreement should be made, so that in future in case, if any
customization is required the vendor is available.
2) CIC does not need to opt new hardware and telecommunication. Though some new
accessories should be acquired, the company can manage to pay for that.
3) The vendor itself should initiate the configuration.
4) Company can go for alpha (pilot) testing of the system in initial standing phase to
synchronize with the process. Archived applications will be subjected to ESS application
processing, the output will then be compared with initial output.

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Surname 1 Your name Professor’s name Course name Date of Submission System Recommendation Benefits of an Enterprise Solution An enterprise system solution is an integrated application software packages that support information flows, data analytics, business processes, and reporting in compound organizations. While enterprise system solutions are homogenously packaged, enterprise application software can also be personalized. Customized systems are developed to support a specific organization's requirements. These systems are used as a principal command center to help systematize the business and make decision making and reporting efficient. Enterprise system solution would help CIC to improve the customer experience by having data stored in a way that can be easily analyzed and quickly retrieved in order to answer customers’ questions. Secondly, Enterprise system provides better employee engagement across different functional operational areas. Making changing employment assignments less costly and disrupting. ES will also seed up the recruitment process by improving the communication and storage of employees’ information for future references. Proposed IT Solution Surname 2 While many Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) HR systems are available, Bamboo HR, Zoho people, HR one, Employwise, and Zoho recruit are SaaS HR systems which will be efficient for CIC. All these software are a comprehensive package for HR solutions. Having a cloud connectivity makes it more reliable ( ...
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