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The Sweetest Temptation

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The Sweetest Temptation

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The Sweetest Temptation (The Whisper Lake Series Book 2) Kindle Edition by Anna
Argent (Author)
Gemma Frontier is tough, independent with a fanciful career she had struggled hard to
develop. However, when her elderly aunt got involved in an accident breaking her hips she
abandons everything to take care of her. Furthermore, she is the only person whom Gemma
knows that did not take her as a burden. When she arrived at the aunt place things became worse
than she had thought as the business of her was destroyed by flood and the aunt also devastated
emotionally. Although she tried to change the current situation things moved beyond her control.
Gemma met Saxon Grace whom she falls in love with. Even though Saxon had faced a lot of
challenges in his building career, for instance, the picky homeowners, rich people often change
their thoughts and doing the job individually. When the two started dating Saxon did not expect
much but found out that Gemma is sexy, kind, talented, and selfless thus, making him satisfied
with the relationship. Since they were in two different social classes Gemma knows that he
cannot fit what she had struggled to build but still loves him even though Saxon try to keep away
from her but she could not allow it. As it is known that men are additive such that one wants
more after being together. Being separated by career and too many other miles bring a challenge
to their relationship.
The element of the book that surprises me is that Gemma abandons everything just to
take care of her aunt who broke her hips since the aunt did not show to her any form of
discrimination when she was young. She recognizes this as only a few people shows appreciation
after being assisted. In addition, the most enjoyable part of the book is when Gemma met Saxon
and the two falls in love. At first, Saxon doubts if the relationship will work the two are in

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SWEET TEMPTATION 1 The Sweetest Temptation Name Institution SWEET TEMPTATION 2 The Sweetest Temptation (The Whisper Lake Series Book 2) Kindle Edition by Anna Argent (Author) Gemma Frontier is tough, independent with a fanciful career she had struggled hard to develop. However, when her elderly aunt got involved in an accident breaking her hips she abandons everything to take care of her. Furthermore, she is the only person whom Gemma knows that did not take her as a burden. When she arrived at the aunt place things became worse than she had thought as the business of her was destroyed by flood and the aunt also devastated emotionally. Although she tried to change the current situation things moved beyond her control. Gemma met Saxon Grace whom she falls in love with. Even though Saxon had faced a lot of challenges in his building career, for instance, the picky homeowners, rich pe ...
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